Mykael spurs Midnight forward to move along the banks in hopes of finding a crossing as he doubts his ability to swim across the river in his heavy armor though he can't help but give Archival a verbal jab before he takes off "You sure you don't want to try and talk this this thing down first?" not waiting for a response he digs his heels into Midnight and searches for a crossing.
"Just wait a moment Mykael" Kresnik quickly ties the rope segments together, loops one end around his belt, and tosses the other end to whomever remains before running out onto the river.
If Jesla makes it over just fine, he'll work with her on the troll. He'll try to help her if she's having trouble and he can.
Either way, he'll make sure the troll isn't wandering off by giving it something to pay attention to. He'll ask it to stay back in the unlikely event discourse is possible, but he fully expects to be attacked and will respond appropriately.
Out of Character: Total rope length: 25(On person)+100(On sticky)+100(Jesla)+50(Theaton)=275', call it 270' after splicing.
Theaton will tie the rope off to his horse. He will tell White fang to guard the horses from trouble. He gets ready to swim/pull himself over the river once that Kresnik gets to the other side and anchors the rope.
I continue riding (60 ft speed, x4 running, 240 ft/rd), looking to see the fate of the horse's rider. As soon as Caelum spots them, I will:
Dismiss Caelum.
Summon a Silvanshee Agathion & instruct it to direct my next summons (Via speak with animals) to rescue those being chased by trolls if they enter the water by swimming with them (Think SeaWorld). Flight speed of 90.
Summon Celestial Dolphins. Swim speed of 80.
Theaton can see no good crossings, this is a major river in the wilderness. From your memory when mapping the first time, this 240' width is one of the narrower sections of river. There is also the rope, half an hour's ride away.
Jesla jumps into the river and make a little good progress, before floundering for a bit.
Kresnik has his items and has tied a couple sections of rope before beginning his sprint towards the water. He steps onto the river and soon overtakes Jesla.
Archival rides off to the northeast along the river, ascending and descending a hill, soon out of sight.
Jesla and Kresnik have a severely unfair race. He is already across the whole span of the river while she's given it a better go but only gotten a third of the way across.
Theaton's horse is now the anchor on the close end, ready to pull taut on command.
The running horse is almost up to where Kresnik stands and the troll is 200 feet behind. Both look tired and unable to run at full speed, opting for a slower, sustained jog.
Out of Character: What will Kresnik be anchoring to on the other side? If himself, I may require strength checks.
Unfortunately the rules state when swimming you get half movement as a full round action. On the plus side, with your bonus, you can't go under and drown. It's a DC 10 on the calm water. I will need 8 more rolls minimum, go for the full set of 12 to make sure.
Climbing the rope can be faster and harder, or easier and slower. Normally it's DC 5 but you move at a quarter your speed and have to make a check for every move action. You can take a -5 penalty to Accelerated Climb at half your speed instead.
It's also possible to try a difficult (DC 20) Acrobatics to walk along the top of the rope. The advantage would be moving at half speed and you could catch yourself if you fall.
Out of Character: I forgot to ask about what is over here to anchor it with. Kresnik would avoid trying to brace it himself, and would be looking for a rock, a small tree, anything of the sort to tie it off.
I presume the horse is in too much of a panic to catch and use for this purpose until after the troll is dealt with, so if nothing else presents itself, K will use said troll as the needed dead weight once it is down, burning the body can wait a few rounds under the circumstances.
There's a large rock on the far shore. It takes Kresnik a round to secure the rope and the horse runs past. The troll approaches, now 140' away.
Out of Character: I still need a big bunch of climb checks from Theaton. Even with an accelerated climb at -5 he won't fall off, but he may lose a couple rounds if he rolls under 5.
Or not accelerated would take Theaton 16 rounds.
I hope everyone's keeping Armor Check Penalties in mind.