Jesla is struggling somewhat as she swims. While very strong she isn't very skilled at swimming. Seeing Kreskin cross before her and begin engaging the troll enraged her. She will not be too late to sink tooth and claw into these creatures. She redoubles her effort to cross.
Mykael rides toward the rope and dismounts quickly but upon approaching the rope and seeing the water flowing he stops,uncertain of how to proceed and unsure that the rope will hold him in all of his armor. He remounts and spurs Midnight on trying to catch up to Archival instead.
After 4 rounds Theaton and Jesla are about halfway when the troll switches targets and aims straight for Kresnik. It is panting with fatigue, but grins at the easy morsel that isn't running away. When it moves in for the kill, it's completely taken aback by the flash of colours and drops down, unconscious.
It takes another 5 rounds for Theaton to get to the shore and Jesla takes 2 more than that. The troll is stirring to consciousness the round after Theaton gets there, but is still blinded until after the round Jesla attacks.
Mykael tries to ride fast, barely catching up to Archival. After a minute of running flat out and half a mile almost covered, no sightings.
Out of Character: Kresink could have used the Alchemist Fires by that point, so roll full damage for them. And any other actions he takes. Edited: iCon on 6th Feb, 2017 - 12:44pm
Jesla lunges out of the water and races towards Kresnik and the troll. She will launch a savage attack against the troll. If the troll is down and out of action she will look to see if there are any more trolls to attack.
Out of Character: : If the round one attack hits it will be an additional 1 point if damage die to the tiger claw trait.
Kresnik grimaces, wedges open the troll's mouth with his morningstar, and uses Mage Hand to shove two globfuls of wet river mud down the throat. Just in case, he places one vial of Alchemist's Fire on the ground nearby for his allies to use. Then he looks around and goes running upriver, in the direction the horse came from, thinking that the rider may still live.
Out of Character:Ten pounds of mud ought to be more than enough to block all air and not exactly be easy to dislodge. By drowning rules, since the troll is not conscious, it immediately starts making DC 10 Con saves every round, on a failure it drops to 0 HP, then next round -1, then is simply dead. Not sure how that works with per round HP regeneration, but I presume it would at least keep the thing unconcious until someone more physically adept finishes the job. Edited: daishain on 6th Feb, 2017 - 11:16pm