Kresnik says, "I am just wanting to discuss how we'll handle the matter Mykael, not pass judgement. I'm hoping simply to pull them aside for a private conversation rather than anything moreā¦ dramatic."
A little over a week later, Kresnik is washing his hands carefully in his quarters. He'd just finished making another batch of salves, made to stave off infections. Neither sanitation nor medical care in Freehold are particularly good as of yet, and the need for basic medical supplies is fairly high.
There's a meeting scheduled for later today, and he's not looking forward to a notable part of what will be discussed. He dresses in more somber tones this time, simple greys and blues, using a cantrip to finish freshening himself up. Donning his hat, he sets out to the meeting hall. Edited: daishain on 28th Feb, 2017 - 2:56am
Jesla wakes up knowing the dreaded meeting is today. She sighs thinking about it. She stretches to limber up and wonders what will come of it. Archival is dead set against them in this. Kyra is as well. Kresnik was as well but he didn't seem as solid as them about it. Mykael seemed to agree with her and Theaton but duty overrode everything else for him. Jesla pondered this as she pulled on her normal hides and then sheaths her great sword.
Jesla shrugged after thinking of all this. She would crawl for no one. There would be no begging for mercy. If they wished to exile her or worse so be it. She knew that she had been in the right defending her friend. Jesla walked down the street towards the meeting with a determined look on her face. Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Feb, 2017 - 2:49am
Kyra goes about trying to make herself useful, walking about the those who call Freehold their home. Getting to know them, asking what they need, and helping where she could so as to begin building a presence within the growing city. Akil actually keeping the attention of the children as the paladin works with the adults.
When given the chance, she would meet up with Archival, Kresnik, and Mykael on their way to meet Jesla and Theaton, wanting to discuss what role she might play within Freehold, saying, "In part because Akil has given no indication that we should leave but also because I want to help Freehold to grow for as long as I am to be here, I ask what role I may be given to aid in what you wish to achieve?"
Looking to them, Kyra says, "I do believe I can provide in making Freehold a wonderful city, as I feel so can Jesla and Theaton which is why despite the law they should be allow to continue in their roles with consideration of revising the law." There was more she could offer, that of her qualifications and skills, but for not waits to see how they reply.
The meeting is scheduled for the morning and many bleary eyed officials stand waiting at the ruined fort, the word having somehow spread around the important people in town. They want to get on with planning and managing, but wait anxiously for this case they've heard so much about.
Out of Character: I'm not sure what Archival is going to suggest, but if it devolves into arguing there is the option of running it as a Verbal Duel (As presented in the Ultimate Intrigue rules which are freely available).
*shrugging* I state, "I suppose it is better to just wait until our council meeting. We all know how each of us feel about it. Better to just wait until the meeting and discuss our laws. We will need to cover duels in addition to whom is welcome in our borders.
Kyra bows her head respectfully to those gathered before turning her attention Archival so as to answer his question. Looking to Hegin and Akiros. With a deep breath to call her nerves, the young woman will begin.
"I know not yet for certain of what path Sarenrae. Has planned for me, though she has chosen me for some great purpose." Pausing for a moment as she considers those before her, Kyra continues, "Away from my birthplace of Katapesh, my guide and companion Akil instructed me to take the long journey to Brevoy. He did not explain why, or for what purpose, but I did as was directed."
Kyra gestures to the black feline next to her, who sat near her feet in front of her and bows his head to those there giving an idea of the intelligance in his eyes. The young woman furthers her explanation saying, "It was there that I learn of the judgement Akiros was to face for his deeds and actions, speaking up in his defense for both mercy and justice in though with a motion of moderation."
The paladin is not sure how much to say, or even if she should speak farther, yet continues, "The decision made was that he was to neither be put to death nor given atonement as of yet. Instead, that there was to be a probation period in which he was to do community service and make restitution to those in which he had wronged."
Those inside, her was nervous and uncertain, Kyra tried to project a presence of confidence as she finishes, "I agreed to go with him and Hegin to Freehold, in part to be as escort but also to be one to watch over Akiros' progress of probation see how he might do. One the way, we were met by trolls, and you know of what was to come then" The paladin worried of saying to much, but it had been done. Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Feb, 2017 - 11:01pm
Kresnik speaks up, "So, if I understand correctly. You have been led here, do not know for what purpose, but wish to assist us in building this community?"
"As I am certain you have guessed by now, we could certainly use the assistance of more in the way of skilled individuals. But I for one would like to know more of what you can offer. How can we best use Kyra, devoted of Iomedai, to benefit Kamelarn and its people?"