"Many things worth doing are dangerous. In any case, I just need to tag it for a moment, simply occupying its attention for a second should suffice."
"If it works, it is over there and then. We can help them or end them with much less risk of being infected, whichever the situation calls for."
"I can agree with disabling them as quickly as possible," Kyra assure, before explaining, "Even if this is by way of violence. I simply offer that we try not to kill them until we have a better understand the circumstance of their affliction." Hopefully she might be better understood.
The paladin understood lycanthropy was a condition many did not have control of and was an affliction forced on many who had it, and felt it only fair to try and given them a chance in being helped. Kyra did know this curse or disease could turn otherwise good people to do horrific things.
Out of Character: Just in case I have to make a Knowledge check of some sort for the above, let me know and I can do so and then edit my post.
Kresnik convinces himself that the actions of this large wolf are certainly intelligent, indicating the worg or werewolf, and discounting a particulalry large wolf (Unless awakened) nor a dire one. It could possbly be a young Amalut or another kind of shapeshifter, like a druid. Kresnik's knowledge confirms Theaton's fear, but may also raise more questions.
The freshest tracks lead you away from the second farm, heading southwest. Despite being the newest, they are still 3 - 4 days old and White Fang is actually unable to get a reliable scent. It is just Theaon's amazing ability that you're all relying on.
The faint trail leads you to a copse of young trees and bushes outside the bulk of the forest. The pawprints and broken twigs indicate passage into a bushy area, but do not emerge. Jesla is first to notice a bare human footprint left in mud and facing south - towards the Skunk River, which flows east-wesf only a quarter mile away from here.
Out of Character: I will take multiple Survival checks to follow these fainter tracks. I assume continuing on at half speed, with no penalty on the check. It's also getting to mid-afternoon at this time.
The barbarian's eyes widen slightly as she now sees a bare human footprint in the mud. She gestures to the others. " Look at this. " She points out the human footprint. " It would appear that it shifted into human form at this point and headed towards the river. " She looks towards the Skunk River. Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Apr, 2017 - 7:21pm
Jesla grins wolfishly. " I hope that no one is worried about being bitten by this creature. Im sure it won't be too bad. Just make sure you are rested during the full moon. " She laughs softly. She heads out with White Fang following the footprints. Edited: Kyrroeth on 10th Apr, 2017 - 1:32am