While not exactly natural creatures, Theaton has seen troll tracks before. These trolls are perhaps a bit thinner and lighter than your regular ones and one of them had been smart enough to drag a branch behind them to wipe the tracks away, but the other three pairs of prints make it obvious.
White Fang and all your horses seem to be turning away at some perceived stench.
Trying to remain quiet, Kresnik inches forward on foot. He begins to understand some of the words at a rather close distance - so close he can tell the voices apart and their positions.
The trolls start off with one ordering the others around how to break camp and the others loudly complaining that either they know how or it's too early to get up (Despite being mid-morning). They loudly discuss their plans for the day, which involve scouting and spying, trying to locate a new village in the area and any routes that workers or traders take. Naturally, complaints about the fog follow, almost devolving into an argument. They also discuss the topic of their newly caught food and whether or not it needs feeding and what to feed it.
Out of Character: You will auto-pass the stealth check to get back to the party, so feel free to discuss your plans.
Mykael assures the mother that he will do everything he can to find her son and then sets off with his guide and moves forward steadily and with a sense of determination. Even as the sun sets he presses on and takes few breaks often thinking to himself that he is incredibly close to finding the child, he just needs to press on a little further. The fog moves in and slows their progress and when the tracker announces that he can not continue Mykael grunts in frustration but agrees to set camp designating watch among him and the two guards that he brought along.
Out of Character: : You did want a straight CON check rather than a Fortitude Save correct? If you wanted fortitude save the modifier would be increased from +2 to +10.
Theaton seeing the tracks tells the others what made them and tells them there are four trolls. We need to leave the mounts behind and let White fang watch over them for us. He looks at Whitefang. "I know you do not like trolls so keep the mounts safe." Turning to the others. "We can attack them and use the fog for our advantage. We need to eliminate them as quick as possible so they do not cause issues to our village." Theaton sets a arrow to his bow and moves forward. Once he can see one in the fog he will begin shooting. They should have surprise.
Out of Character: First attack rolls are using the many shot, precise shot and rapid shot feat. The -2 has been added to all attack rolls. Second attack is based on my second attack the -2 has been added to that too as well as the feats. Two rounds are included. Should be three arrows per attack or six total per round.
Upon returning to the group, Kresnik says, "They sound like they intend to prey on the people around here, and they have a captive of some manner. I do not think simply avoiding this foe is a worthy option. Here my friends, may Desna's luck smile on you." He casts a spell that settles on each of his companions, then pulls out his crossbow.
note: Casting Bless before we enter combat, everyone gets a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and saves vs fear. He'll use his crossbow to attack while staying a little behind Jesla looking for an opening. Any chance he gets to catch 2 or more of them in a 15' cone, or if immediately threatened, he will cast Color Spray Will save DC 16. In determining the effects, don't forget to subtract K's Charisma mod (4) from their HD thanks to his Awesome Display ability. Edited: daishain on 12th Jan, 2017 - 4:12am
Jesla grins at Theaton when he mentions the trolls. " We hunt. " The barbarian walks off to the side a little. Where she stood there is now a huge feline with a reddish coat and black stripes. She lopes towards the trolls hoping to hit them in the flank. When she sees the trolls with her low light vision she charges the troll on the far right in a fury.
Out of Character: : I will be using power attack on all attacks.
Upon the troll's discussion being relayed, and while the others discuss strategy, a plethora of small earth elementals wink into existence. When the others seem they are ready to move into action, I summon agressors from the elemental plane of fire and send the various elementals forward to start combat. I will then cast invisibility on myself after combat has been engaged.
Out of Character: Because I don't know how long the group plans to discuss strategy, I will take up to 3 actions summoning small earth elementals. Less will be summoned initially if needs be - it really depends on how long the others plan - regardless, after the small fire elemental(S) is/are summoned, combat will ensue (I can't speak with them yet like I can with the earth elementals). My class ability lets me summon as a standard action (Instead of 1 round) and since it's a spell-like ability it has no visual, somatic, not material components (Just a reminder since it had been a while).
Because it had been such a short trip, afternoon to midnight, neither Mykael nor horse are tired after the short sleep. However, the fog has moved in and obscures most of your vision in the morning. The tracker is able to move onward, but again at a reduced pace.
The route continues to meander through the hills, from side to side, the footprints often stopping at something interesting before moving on. But you have no time for sightseeing, if you could even see though the dense, white mist. At one point, the tracker stops where the trail ends. It is instead replaced by a perpendicular set of deep, large, clawed footprints and the tracker simply says, "Trolls." He looks towards you as if asking for the next instruction.
Out of Character: Just giving the stats of my creatures really quick. I managed to summon 4 small earth elementals and 1 fire elemental. The earth elementals have Tremorsense, so they'll have no problem homing in on the locations of the trolls, as long as they stay within 60 feet.
Small Earth Elemental
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (-1 DX, +7 natural, +1 size)
HP 17, Fort +6, Ref -1, Will +4, Immune elemental traits (Immune to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking, precision-based attacks like sneak attack)
Feats: Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack (-1 attack, +3 damage - not added into listed stats)
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee slam +8 (1d6+7)
Earth Mastery (+1 attack and damage if both it and foe are touching the ground - not added into listed stats)
ST 20, DX 8, CN 17, IQ 4, WS 11, CH 11
BAB +2, CMB +6, CMD 15
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4
Languages: Terran
My creatures will always charge and power attack if able. This brings their Attack to +10, Damage to 1d6+11, and their AC to 15.
Small Fire Elemental
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dexterity, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +1 size)
HP 15, Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Immune elemental traits (Immune to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking, precision-based attacks like sneak attack), Immune to Fire
Weakness: Vulnerability to Cold
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Speed 50 ft.
Melee slam +5 (1d4+3 plus Burn)
Special Attacks: Burn (1d4, DC 11)
Burn: Deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by the burn ability must also succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, taking the listed damage for an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.
ST 14, DX 13, CN 14, IQ 4, WS 11, CH 11
BAB +2, CMB +3, CMD 15
Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
Languages: Ignan.