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Today was a gorgeous day here. I stayed away from work and pretty much worked using my phone… and replied to messages here too. I drove out to the hills, the people here call them mountains but they are hills, and walked the trails all day. Just stopping to answer the occasional important email, reply to a post, or eat a bit. Now I'm home but what a great day. Since this is a thread about a pre workout pic I figured a post workout post would fit! ;).
Yeah, me too. I need to do it every so often or I go nuts. After having the job I used to have where I was out in nature weekly and often for days or weeks at a time I need to reset by going somewhere secluded and just walking around. Usually I go off the beaten path and really get into nature, but yesterday I stayed on the path. Today it's back to the old grind though.
The issue here is it takes so long to actually get to where I can really be secluded and traffic is really bad. When I do I tend to leave very early in the morning. I always pack my little survival pack because you never know when you are going to need it and then I jump in the truck and off I go. Half the time it's so on a whim that I don't even tell anyone I'm going… which goes against my very own rules. But rules are made to be broken, especially your own!