Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 41 of 54

Morgaine will lift her long sword and shield - Page 41 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 19th May, 2018 - 12:28am

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Post Date: 18th Apr, 2018 - 8:25pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories - Page 41

Upon meeting Nikolaos' mother, Poljen smiles. "Half-right, milady. I only ate vegetables because there was never enough meat or fish for the entire tribe." He assures the woman they will return to escort her out of town. "Keep your things packed and close at hand. We might be leaving in a hurry."

Once Niko is done at the temple and begins his disguise efforts, Poljen says, "While you make yourself pretty, I will leave and wander a bit. You arrive first and watch for my arrival. If no one is following me, well, I will enjoy myself at the Swan. If someone follows me, sing about a warrior fighting a monster. I will know someone is following. Once I am in my room, if they appear to be looking to gather others for an attack, sing of a lost love. I will be ready. Luck to us both!"

The tall man leaves the temple and wanders Baldur's Gate, visiting a smithy or two, looking at weapons and shields. He also stops for a bite to eat at an unassuming tavern, staying in the crowded common room. He then makes his way to the Violet Swan. He never checks to see if he is followed, playing the clueless barbarian as he is ever won't to do. As he enters the house of comfort, he grins and says, "Polen, son of Nels, is tired of being lonely! I seek companionship!" He is looking around for the women who are obviously employees of the establishment, not for any musicians playing music.

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Post Date: 18th Apr, 2018 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

A tall and slender woman with olive skin sways over to Poljen. She purrs at him, "You are in the right place then Poljen son of Nels. We cater to nearly all tastes here. Please, relax, and look around. I'm certain one, or several, of us will stir your interest."

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2018 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Poljen nods almost thougtfully as he looks the half-elf woman up and down. Most would think he was sizing her up for companionship, but in fact he was looking at her with a more professional eye. She was taller than most women, and slender, but he noted she had definite muscle tone. And while he did find fitness to be a very attractive trait, at this moment he was thinking that if trouble erupted, he would prefer to have with him someone who could at least defend herself while he dealt with most of the interlopers. He glances at her hands, and notes they are soft, but he notices a slight bend in a couple of fingers, a common trait in those who have fought with their fists. She will in fact fit the bill. The fact she is very attractive as well is a bonus. His smile widens. He puts an arm gently about her shoulder and says, "My lady, you intrigue me! I think we should get to know one another better." As they slowly begin walking towards the stairs he does look at some of the other women, a few of whom are grinning at him almost wolfishly. Some brazenly wink, while a couple of others flirt with the woman in his arm. Then his eyes settle upon a human woman with golden hair who is acting demure. But again he sees signs of a woman who is very fit, and strong as well. She is obviously a woman who has done a fair bit of manual labor. Her hands are not nearly as soft and unmarked as the half-elf, and he thinks he sees a callous that most develop wielding weapons. He whispers to his new companion, "That one there. Bring her along! I have appetites to match my size, and I think you two might be able to keep up with me!" His eyes rest for just a split-second on a bard playing in one corner, unsure if that is Niko or not. But he does listen to the songs as he and his new friends head upstairs.

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2018 - 1:49am / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Page 41 Stories Side e Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

Mari nods thoughtfully at Lawrance's words." That is a very good idea. I can do that. I know someone to speak with. I'll do that when I head into the city."
She winces as she feels like her whole body is one big bruise." Thank you for working with me Poljen. I think anyways. You could have taken it a little easier on me. I'm sore all over." She laughs as she walks off.

18th May, 2018 - 9:11pm / Post ID: #
Follower / Right Rear Flank
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Stories Side Dragons and Dungeons Daishains

Lady of the Water says...

Morgaine says to Poljen: "Just you and I in the courtyard to see how I fit into the group. Anyone wanting to watch is welcome"

Out of Character: rolled Initiative.

Morgaine Results:
  • Initiative on D20 (+2): 22 (1 roll)

Post Date: 18th May, 2018 - 9:53pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories

Cratol is interested in a one on one fight between the new lady Morgaine and Poljen so he will sit on one of the battlements and watch the duel.

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Post Date: 18th May, 2018 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories
A Friend

Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories - Page 41

Poljen frowns. "I am sure you are stalwart, and have a good chance of felling me. While I would prefer to see how you mesh with others, your wish is my command." He bows and gestures for her to lead the way. He does not have to look to know many of the others will file out to watch this contest.

Once in the courtyard he moves until he is about 100 feet from Morgaine and readies his great axe. He smiles genuinely and says, "I look forward to drinks after our bout. Begin!"

Initiative roll coming. Even with Advantage there is only a slim chance he goes first, so I will post nothing else at this time.

19th May, 2018 - 12:28am / Post ID: #
Follower / Right Rear Flank
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Base Has a Home Base
Active Player Active Role-player!

Daishain's D&D 5e Side Stories D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 41

Lady of the Water says...

Morgaine will lift her long sword and shield and attack.
Out of Character: Doing two attack rolls and damage, just in case. Morgaine will then get into a defense posture afterwards.

Morgaine Results:
  • Attack, long sword on D20 (+10): 17, 11 (2 rolls)
  • Damage, long sword on D8 (+8): 16, 14 (2 rolls)

> TOPIC: Daishain's D&D 5e: Side Stories


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