Travis, shows the results of his experiments with herbs. After drying out the leaves placing in a container, labeling river calmative1, Explaining, that he has discovered a herbal tea, with calmative, effects.
He asks the Lord, if someone would accompany him, while he gathers some more herbs in the area
"I don't intend, to travel to far, but will need an escort, while I look for different herbs," he says.
"I would, of course return before it gets dark," he adds.
Qwantithalica and I will show up late to breakfast the next day, looking happy and content overall.
I'll get the attention of those I can,
"I have a request, this is not a mission for Lord Douglas and the stronghold, so by all means feel free to refuse."
"I mentioned this before, but not everyone was here for it, so I'll reiterate. Thalica here, along with a number of other young elves we pulled out of a goblin den, come from an overrun settlement a few days from here. The two of us intend to head there in a day or two, and could use some assistance."
"If there is someone alive there we can help, that would be wonderful news, but to be blunt, this is more likely to be a funerary task. The remains of the fallen should not be left forgotten in the woods if we can help it."
"With luck, we can avoid trouble along the way, but there are some dangerous creatures in the area that we may have to deal with."
"So, yeah, looking for volunteers here. This will not be a pleasant task, but it is one worth doing I believe. The survivors from the goblin den need that closure."
Out of Character: Grant, things are a bit off with the request I'm afraid. First of all, the magic item in question is a homebrew item, you need special permission from Kn for it to even exist as a possibility. Second, I don't yet have the craft magic arms/armor feat, so while I can manage a caster level 5 item, I don't meet the prereqs. Also, if Kn was serious about it being a psionic item, Artificers emulate spells, not powers. But yes, if those hurdles can be handled it looks like a worthwhile project. Edited: daishain on 4th May, 2018 - 1:16pm
Upon hearing about Jason's quest, I'm all for it."You don't know me well enough yet, but I'm always up for learning something new, whether it's geography, culture, cuisine or anything that expands my knowledge. Count me in to help in what ever way you and her village needs! It'd be an honour help lay her people to rest, if that's needed, but I hope we find something more hopeful than the dead there."
Out of Character: Well, that's that. The item looked perfect for my purposes. I guess we'll readdress this once you reach 5th, Jason. :D.
The next day starts out to be over cast and windy but no rain is noted as of yet as everyone gathers in the hall for breakfast. Rachel is still absent as Jason and Qwantithalica show up late both with smiles as they get some breakfast before anouncing that they are going to head to Qwantithalica's home with the other elf teens to see if any one survived there after the goblins attacked and to help deal with proper funeral rights for those that did not survive. You can tell the elf teens are all eager to go even Beflavtkromithala who will be coming with you too.
Travis soon hears about Jason's request, later after talking to Lord Douglas himself.
"Yes, if I can help I will, perhaps I may also find some useful herbs," He says.
"A few days travel, did you say, then I will need extra provisions, and spells," He adds.
Out of Character: Will prepare two cure light wounds, and one summon celestial fire beetle. In addition to resistance, read and detect magic. In addition to standard rations, for a week, and extra water vials.
"Yes, we'll want to prepare for this one fairly thoroughly, especially since it is difficult to say how long we'll be gone."
I pull out a small amulet, it looks like a piece of nicely shaped preserved bark, "By the way, Dobby finished this trinket last night. Its a protective item, toughening one's skin. Based on what happened in our last heavy encounter, I was going to suggest that Jonathan wears it, though Rachel would be another good choice. Of course, anyone in the group could benefit from it, Ghost included, I'm not going to dictate who it goes to."
Out of Character: +1 Amulet of Natural Armor. Since it is easier to craft magic items in the field than carry a forge with me, I'll let Dobby continue work on the mithril breastplate and shift over to making an Expeditious Messenger (Another type of homunculi that should prove very useful in the wilderness), followed by several +1 cloaks of resistance. Rolling the relevant checks. Edited: daishain on 5th May, 2018 - 3:11pm
Upon hearing Jason's announcement; I find myself a liitle bit torn between going and staying. I state this to Kelvin. I then state that I feel I need to go honor the elves by finding their homeland. I look over at Kelvin and say "I will miss you greatly, love"
I then go let Jason know I will be joining him on this journey. I will then get my gear together and meet them at stabbes or gate, or whichever area Jason decides.