The wound hurt, that was for sure. The Bulette did have a big mouth so I was lucky not to lose and arm to the monster, with some muted sounds of pain and muttered swears that I tried to make sure others didn't hear as I didn't want them to know such sometimes slipped out.
"Never thought that I'd have a chance of meeting a landshark, though perhaps rushing in with a mere rapier was not the best idea. A little help," I'd asked, involving my injury. Still, it had been an experience in actually meeting the creature. Especially with its more metallic plating and scales. Edited: Thomaslee on 14th May, 2018 - 5:27pm
I gulp in air as the battle ends. My heart is pounding as we survive yet another battle. In the back of my mind I feel that our luck can't continue. Sooner or later some of us will fall for good in a world far from home. I shake my head trying to clear those somber thoughts.
Noticing that the others are tending to the wounded I follow Grant as he tries to bring the horses back." Ghost, stay back. They aren't sure of you yet." He follows at a moderate distance while I begin looking for signs of the missing horses. Once I find any I will approach them cautiously and attempt to call them and return them to the others.
Out of Character: : Survival for tracking and animal handling to calm them. Ghost can track them as well if needed. Druid wild empathy skill rolled as well if needed.
Following up with our needs, I track down the horses and calm them slowly, using what skill I can muster to the task.
Specific Action: Survival tracking Base 5 +2 synergy (Search) +4 (Inspiration). Animal handling 3+4 (Inspiration).
Out of Character: - Thomas - use which ever potion roll I made you need to. Edited: Gknightbc on 14th May, 2018 - 2:45pm
It will take you a couple hours to find and gather the loose horses but you do gather them back up and bring them back to where the two dead Bulettes are at. By the time you get everything back together in the forest you can see the light changing signaling the setting of the first sun.
"So, do we harvest these beasts? Their skin was certainly tough armour to penetrate! I've not the knowledge to know what to use from them, but I do recall many campaigns in Dungeons & Dragons where the components are taken from these guys."
I look at the first sun setting and then to the group." Whether we harvest it's skin or not, we need to find a suitable place to camp soon. We are still new to this world. We should not stumble through the darkness. Remember, the night is dark and full of terror." I grin at them and then fuss over Ghost again to make sure he is okay.
After being satisfied that Ghost is alright, I climb astride the huge canine. Ghost and I then patrol around our perimeter while the plan is agreed upon for us to follow. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th May, 2018 - 4:17pm
Travis, feels a warmth enter his body. The last, thing he remembers, is being savagely bitten by the boulette creature.
He awakens, to find Grant and thanks him, as he leaves. He feels, alive again and refreshed.
"Damn, where's the horses,?" He looks around unable to find any.
But a couple hours later, he sees his horse again. As some of the others had round them up. Edited: anronrosby on 14th May, 2018 - 4:16pm
Once the horses are all gathered up, I will follow the others and help as best I can as to a possible camping spot with the first sun setting.
Out of Character: Did Search, Spot, Listen rolls x4 to keep things moving along.