"House Stark it is" I say grinning. "I don't know how long you guys have been out of the world, but Game of Thrones is huge right now. I had no idea those game cards I got for free at Gencon years ago would be so valuabel… if I were home that is. Anyway, I'm cool with Ghost being our emblem. Perhaps we put a tree in the background and change our emblem as we get or loose members? New limbs for new people, withered limbs for the lost? It seems to me a good way to represent ourselves."
The day passes quietly with few animals to be seen in the area. Ghost has a hard tile catching prey so he can eat but he is able to catch a couple large rabbits. Soon you are at a clearing with a small stream running through it. In the center of the clearing is a small pool and you see Q and B already stripping down to take a swim/bath. You can see that the first sun has set.
Keeping guard over the horses, I forego a bath until anyone else who goes with Q & B is finished.
"Jonathan, do you know why George R. R. Martin was kicked off Twitter? He killed off all 240 characters!"
I'll then do the same, stripping down to breeks and having a nice long swim and pseudo scrub. For the pure enjoyment of it, I'll push the limits of my swimming ability in this new realm and see just what I can do speed and holding breath wise. Edited: Gknightbc on 18th May, 2018 - 3:49pm
I grin at Jonathan." I love that idea. It's important to remember those no longer with us." A frown appears on her face as she thinks of Dennis. Shaking her head, Rachel will strip down quickly to bathe and swim with Q and B." Ah… This feels so nice. Vickie… Come on in. The water feels great." She will climb out and get dressed when finished. Ghost is out of sight hunting for food. Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th May, 2018 - 3:59pm
I give Rachel a smile and strip down and join them in the water.
"The water is wonderful." And I swim for a time letting it relax me and remove the sweat of being in the saddle in full armor.
I think of the times Kelvin and I spent in the pond in the little grove he knows of and I can't help but smile even more, but it also makes me miss him.
After a time I get out and redress and get some food and then rest before I do my watch.
Out of Character: doing Spot, Search and Listen rolls for my watch.
I grin at Jonathan's comment, "I didn't get the idea directly from Game of Thrones, but I must admit, when I thought of using Ghost, the connection made the choice obvious to me."
Later, I'll set Ping to patrol and watch over the area around the pool, report back on anything that might be a threat to those bathing there.
I'm quite pleased with the new creation. Aside from Ping's practical capabilities as a scout and messenger, the tiny construct seems to have inhereted its personality from my mind. Not in the sense of it behaving like myself, but rather my expectations of the type of creature it resembles. When not tasked with something, it often bounces and chitters around playfully like an Earth ferret.
"At least with house Stark, you can sympathesise with, yes I see the similarity, "Travis answers Jonathon.
Travis, also has a quick dip after the others had. Stripping, down cooling down, realising it would be one of the few times, he would get to wash off, the sweat, and grime of the day.
He gets out quickly, gets dressed again. He also doesn't pass away another opportunity to gather, any unusual herbaceous plants, he may find near the waters edge. Other than, the usual water reed, or lilly.
"A Bard here can make a million dollars easily or gold or whatever from telling all the stories that we know from back home. The old man here has been gone a long time would probably be impressed what's happened to TV since he's been here."