"I'm actually glad this scouting has bee quiet, it is actually relaxing even", I will offer with a small smile, glad to see the process we have made and in not running into anything.
Out of Character: So basically, we've been scouting all day, into the late afternoon, but we're only about 2 hours away from the stronghold.
Travis, continues to ride west with the other party member's. Enjoying the scenery, along the way.
It would be good, if it isn't to late in the day, that I can hopefully spot, and find more fresh herbs?
As the second sun is getting low in the sky you find yourselves miles away from the stronghold in unexplored woods. You have come across a few clearings on your way out and Travis is able to find a few of the herbs he found before and some plants that look promising for something but he is unsure of what just yet. He does find a red stemmed plant that the elves believe is poisonous. I have you placed a days ride west of the stronghold.
Travis will, as before collect all the fresh herbs and place in suitable pouches.
He will even pick the red stemmed plant, carefully using cloth, not directly touching the plant product, with his bare hands.Placing that securely in a pouched marked with a skull and cross-bone.
He recognizes some of the herbs, from the woods that he collected before. From his notes taken back, at the castle. He will see which plant it closely resembles.
From there, determine what would be the likely properties, which would be either (1) Cure light wounds. (2) Nerve relaxant. Or (3) Invisibility.
After, as it is getting dark, he will consume a food ration, and drink some water. Then give his horse a groom, and carrot treat. If the others decide, to set up camp here, he will rest there.
I will look to Jason, wondering what he and everyone else will want to do now that the second sun isgetting low in the sky while Travis gathers his herbs and plants. Considering, I will offer, "If we'll be spending the night away from the stronghold, it may be advised to get things set up and a defense parameter in place while we still have some light."
"Everyone get some rest, its going to be a long week out here."
After the camp is set up and my turn at watch is done, I'll settle in to start working on the first magic item I'd hoped to complete on this journey.
Out of Character: that was going to be a handy haversack, but I just noticed it specified CL 9th, so its off the table for now. Making an Anklet of Translocation instead, will be done in three days. DC 23 UMD check to fake the spell, 4 tries, only need one to pass.
Ping is left watching over the campsite all night. Wish the construct had better watch/listen scores, but perhaps I shouldn't get too greedy in that regard :P.
Edited: daishain on 21st Jun, 2018 - 12:01pm
I settle down and get some sleep. Upon the first light I get up(Being used to Kelvin getting up and getting ready to guard the lord; I check the campsite to make sure everything is as it should be and there isn't anything near to harm the rest of the group. I will then see what I can gather for a makeshift breakfast.
Out of Character: Doing Search, Spot, Listen(X3 to ck campsite and also look for a food source or trouble), and a couple attack/damage with bow, in case I got lucky and found a food source to cook or found trouble.
When you stop for the night you see some of the elf boys get excited when they see a bush with some reddish purple berries on it. They almost push each other out of the way to get there first as they pick some of the berries and eat them. When you ask about the berries they tell you not to eat them as they are a powerful drug to people not used to them. They will tell you they are called Dream berries.