Thinking I was going along just fine down the hill upon Easy Spirit and keeping an eye out for trouble areas which was hard to do in the downpour. Easy Spirit loses her footing and the next thing I knew we were sliding down the hill and coming to the top of a cliff face. The mudslide takes us over the cliff and into the lake below. I brace myself as best as I can for the chill thst I know is coming once we hit the water. I also try and ease my mare as we hit the cold water. I am thankful that I had sucured my items for the bad weather beforehand. Once we hit the water and come back up a bit we work out way towards the shore. Once there I will dismount and lwad Easy Spirit to the nearest groove of trees for as much shelter from any more rain. While there I am barely able to see the rest of the group nearby and the others coming towards me.
Ghost picks his way nimbly down the hill. Suddenly several horses and riders tumble down the hill and over the edge. Ghost and I race to the cliff and look in worry at those that were dumped into the water. Ghost sprints down to the waters edge and I leap off. I will check to see if anyone needs help getting out of the water. In the event they do, I will remove my cloak, boots and weapons and then dive in to help.
I get down to the edge of the water as quickly as I can and tie a length of rope to Morgenstern's saddle before throwing the other end out onto the water. "Quickly, help any struggling to stay up!" Not being the best swimmer myself, I'll lend a hand as best I can with ropes from the shoreline.
Later, when people have been retrieved, I nod to Grant, "Its a little slow, but prestidigitation can dry the wood as well as those who were soaked. Anyone who's not hurt, lets get some wood gathered and a simple shelter up."
I'll spend two infusions priming two castings of Prestidigitation. One for myself, and one on a rock I toss to Grant for him to make use of. Then I set to thoroughly drying the wood so a fire can be set, followed by starting to dry those who were soaked in the lake.
Out of Character: It looks like Travis is shorting himself a bit on health. He should have 17 max HP, not just 15. He'd be down to 7 before healing rather than 4.
Out of Character: Doing Strength check as requested by KN. Hopefully I pass and make it to shore. If not will revise my post.
Out of Character: - before people and horses are saved if needed. Not taking off the Boots.
Quickly dropping my chain shirt and everything of consequence, I run and jump as far out into the water as needed, rope trailing behind me like a streamer. Landing Near the struggling people, I pass the rope along to join them all into a chain.
Out of Character: - I don't know how many are in trouble, but I'll roll a jump and swim, assuming they are needed regardless.
After everyone is ashore, I use the offered spell infusion to heat and dry everyone's clothes, making good use of the hour of magic.
Out of Character: Travis will do his strength check nów.
Although he can świm the Armor could definately weigh him down.
So, if fail then delay his action from previous post, but postpone it.
Vickie and Travis swim for the shore along with the elf teens and the horses. As everyone else heads down to assist. Rachel stands on the cliff as Ghost heads down to the shore. Rachel sees a shadow come up from the bottom of the lake and a horse is taken with a scream dragged under the water. Those in the water hear the scream from the horse as they understand now that predators lurck in the lake. They redouble their efforts to reach the shore as everyone else gathers at the shore. Vickie and her horse are first to reach the shore followed closely by Travis as Travis's horse is dragged backwards into the lake admist blood and the horse screaming until it is pulled under. Be, Thalica and the other teen are working hard to get to shore as Jason and Grant lend their aid. Grant jumps in with a rope and is able to get Thalica onto the rope as he goes towards Be. He is soon helping her as he watches the other elf teen be pulled under.
Rachel standing on the cliff can see more shadows coming up from the depths. Edited: KNtoran on 15th Aug, 2018 - 5:52am