Once Vickie points out the ominous shape, I ready my bow and indicate we should move further from the water. "Let's make what ever it is have to work to reach us, as I'd like to get a few arrows in it's hide if it tries." Laying reigns along Echo's head, I guide him and my remount further away from the shoreline.
I nod, "Yeah, certainly no point in engaging it here. If it follows away from the water, then we'll see what we can do."
I'll urge everyone to back away from the shore in an expeditious manner.
Out of Character: I think it is safe to say none in the party would be willing to be too close to the water in the first place. Heck, I'd have preferred to have left sight of the water last night and stayed away, but its too late for that I suppose. Edited: daishain on 24th Aug, 2018 - 11:15pm
The aquatic dinosaurs which attacked was a shock, and they death saddening. On continuing and it being pointed out that something following the party, of which I move away from the shore as quickly as orquicker then Jason advises.
I move farther away from the shoreline myself and continue to move forward. I will also keep and eye on the creature in the lake to see if it comes onto land.
Thegroup soon moves away from sight of the lake and the monsters in the water. Soon you are back on track of making the patrols as you were before. The rest of the day passes quietly. Soon the second sun is on its way down as you start to get to more rugged terrain.
Travis, takes a good look at the rugged terrain, seeing if there would be any areas to find shelter.
Considering if there might be any more torrential rain again. Also the fact that it is again getting dark, and we need to camp soon.