Travis, also searches for appropriate shelter, continuing to lead his horse by the reigns. In an attempt to find cover from the rain.
You all slog through the rain as you seek some sort of shelter but none are apparent as the rain continues down. It is well after midday when the rain lets up and you can see more around you. Rachel is able to find a small cave that will allow you all to shelter for the night. You are still half a days ride from the stronghold due to the rain and slow movement.
Feeling the unusual aches and pains from the stirge's magical enervation, my actions are obviously slower and require effort. "A cold camp for dinner, I guess. Nasty bugs."
Out of Character: - did those restorations get used/accounted for? I guess we could get two more tomorrow morning, then who'd be left to heal?
" Home sweet home. This is a beautiful sight. One more night out and hopefully we can reach the stronghold tomorrow. I can restore some health to a couple more of you in the morning. We should be able to renew our patrol soon."
"We need to make some playing cards. It would be fun to play blackjack, spades or something else." I scratch Ghost behind his ears. He yawns and then his jaws clamp shut. The dire wolf seems indifferent to my idea.
Out of Character: : Jonathan and Ghost received the restorations previously. There will be two more available in the morning. Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Sep, 2018 - 10:10pm
Everyone received 1 point of constitution back by the time you make camp. The night will prove to be clear and cooler than normal. I will need spot and listen checks from each person while on guard and the guard order for the night. This includes Ping.
I help the other set up our campsite and then eat a bit of food and make sure Easy Spirit is good for the night as I lay down for some sleep before my watch.
I do believe Rachel, Ghost and I have the watch closest to morning.
Out of Character: doing Spot and Listen checks as requested.