I shake my head." I don't know. Ping was out there on watch when the trolls barged in unannounced. If it wasn't for Ghost .. I'm not sure how good Ping is at spotting things at night. I need to come up with something more natural… Maybe some spell to cast each night." I shrug and look unconvinced.
Remembering the trip ropes we lad in the tunnels, I speak up, "Maybe use the trip ropes we did in the tunnels for around the campsite. Or like Rachel suggested some sort of spell to alert us. But heck, they came even with Rachel, Ghost and I on watch. If it wasn't for him, we would of been in much worse trouble… Let's continue to the stronghold, I know I will feel better once we are home. And I am a bit worried about Be and the others..even myself."
I continue with haste on Easy Spirit after the brief stop with Be.
I regrettably shake my head at Susan's suggestion, "We'd spend half the night stringing up twine around each campsite establishing a perimeter large enough to work, and then it would go off every time a deer wandered through "
"In any case, it's more of an investment, but the senses on these things can be improved, and with more of them, they can be watching much further out than a typical sentry."
"I agree, with everyone I think we should try and head straight for home," Travis says.
"I wonder if there is such a spell, for some kind of sentry,"? Travis muses.
He gathers his gear, remounts his horse, rides out with the others.
" That's fine Daishain. I still have more faith in animals at that task. I assume I will be able to take on the shape of animals in the future. When able I could wear the form of a leopard or bat during my watch. Not much is going to sneak up on us then, at least during my part of the watch."
I try to adjust the still sleeping Be into a more comfortable position as I answer Travis, "There are several, the main problem is duration. Until we are able to manage more potent spells, we're looking at our sentry being up for a couple of hours at best."
When Rachel speaks up, I nod, "Believe me, I have no problem with doubled layers of security, especially not after what we've dealt with recently."