Just a couple things:
First, Glarion, I hope you do not take offense at Photokles's internal monologue, it's just how he sees the gladiator, which I really do enjoy how you're playing him, (Laugh).
Second, would what Niklaus "Remembered" about Thebes be beyond what most of us know about it, or would we be oblivious. The only reason I ask is that his character is not originally from Greece while most of the rest of us are. Granted, he made a roll, but I just thought I would ask before we move forward with other posts. If what was made known to Paul's character isn't known to Photokles, the priest would still want to go to Thebes to check on the inhabitant's wellbeing, but wouldn't necessarily fight too much on the issue if the rest wanted to move on.
"You sir have offended my honor, my family and my pet rat Montoya! And for that you must die!" *laugh*
It takes a lot to offend me and is almost impossible in a Role-playing Game situation as that is what it is, a game involving being something you are not normally. Most of the way Tellias talks and acts is for show. He is actually a decent man and has strong moral beliefs, which sometimes are at odds with his fellow Spartans. Such as seeing all who are in the arena are equals, even when the crowd see slaves he sees a fellow combatant and offers the same respect to his opponent as he would his own kings!
He also talks and acts in this way due to his insecurities and the "Small man syndrome" type effect as his rejection as a child has never left him and even though he has achieved a hugely admirable goal, it still hasn't replaced that failure in his youth, that is obviously outside of his control but governs his life as though it was his own personal failure *wink*.
I want to make it clear, you can't get to Delphi until some time tomorrow. If you go to Thebes you will get there fairly late at night. If you press on and don't detour to Thebes you will make it there with some daylight left. Unless you plan on travelling through the night, which would then get you to Delphi around mid-morning, you will probably have time for a long rest.
Sadly Dave Batuista is far too tall to portray Tellias, but then we all know how Hollywood likes to make things "Bigger & better"! :D
Thanks for the luck die. I didn't think it appropriate to give a rat two names. One is the usual limit unless it is a Disney film, and I would like to think that Dungeons & Dragons is most certainly not that! *laugh*
So, one thing I should have stated earlier, PCs can't use rolls for things like performance or persuasion on fellow PCs. That takes away control. Now, using magic is different, but that also comes with its own risks… like what the PC does when the spell wears off. But as far as skill goes, the words themselves will have to suffice to impress the character's player in such a way that they want it to impress their PC.