I don't see her as the type to stick out to the bitter end, soon as she starts getting targeted, she's probably gone again. There's helping out a little, and then there's becoming a pincushion. Stats for her are on the companion section of my sheet.
Briadia will be very grateful for Kria's help. She needs all the help she can get. If Briadia and Arcad are fighting side by side could it benefit both of them possibly?
Paul, I'm very proud of you playing a magic user for the first time. I think you will love the bard. Start planning soon. I didn't know if you were aware but at level 6 Lore Bards get one of the most powerful if not most powerful benefit in the game. They get to pick two spells from Any spell list that are 3rd level or lower. And they won't count against the total bardic spells known. I think by the highest levels he will have 6 bonus spells from any list. That will give you amazing flexibility. Edited: Kyrroeth on 16th Sep, 2017 - 1:49am
Yeah, I agree with Kyrroeth. I'm like you and stayed away from magic users like the plague in previous editions. Rogue, fighter, ranger, and the occasional paladin was what I played. When barbarian came out I added that to my repertoire. I took the leap here in 5e because it looked like the cleaned magic up so much in this edition… and I was right, they did. I never play a magic using character except when it's like a secondary benefit like a Ranger or Paladin. In this edition, I love playing Fay. He has become one of my favorite characters ever.
Yeah, I have looked over the progression stuff, but even 6th level is a long ways off. The one spell I expect to take when I hit that is Counterspell. No idea what else, since I intend to see how things progress. In point of fact, when we hit 4th level, he will drop one 1st level spell, and take both Healing Word and Heroism. I decided not to take Heroism yet because my concept of the character is he has not fought in a group like this before. Now that he is getting a taste of it, next level he will probably cast Heroism at the start of every combat…
Abnninja, it is surprising to learn you avoided spellcasters. I have always loved playing more magical characters. Whether bards, paladins, clerics, druids, wizards, or sorcerers I have enjoyed each of these classes. I mean sure, blowing stuff up might be fun but I like deception, manipulation, and subtlety to my magic or really even in overall concepts.
Admittedly, I never generally focused on the spells that were the most powerful or dealt the most damage. With Illusions as my favorite spells, as well enchantments, divination, and more utilitary spells or holy magic. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Sep, 2017 - 2:01am
I didn't just avoid them, I avoided them like the plague. Magic use was too cumbersome for me. I'd rather have a character that used sword or bow and had magic as a tertiary feature. Again, like a ranger or paladin. Or a character like a rogue that could sneak in at backstab someone, open the lock that lets a group surprise their foes, or find and disarm the trap that could have killed them all.
For me it would fireball and any one other of them… but that is just me.
Okay, now let's bring this thread back to Q&A regarding this game.