Hillary Clinton - Page 3 of 44

QUOTE Sen. Clinton asks Dems for help with - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 3rd Dec, 2006 - 10:49pm

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As US Secretary of State, as First Lady, as President of the USA - BILL CLINTON Vice President, is it possible? Some people seem to love her tremedously while others hate her to scorn, how do you feel about Hillary Clinton?
Hillary Clinton Related Information to Hillary Clinton
25th Oct, 2006 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

Hillary Clinton - Page 3


If Hillary was a worse threat than Osama or Bin Laden why is she not in Guantanamo Bay?

What a wonderful idea, and throw away the key. That woman scares me. The only place she shines in in lies and deceit. She has more "tricks" up her sleeve than a Halloween witch. Just for future reference go back and read Nighthawk's post # 98950.

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.2%

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25th Oct, 2006 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #

Clinton Hillary

I understand the lack of experience of this woman to run for President of the United States. We all agree she hasn't done anything "major" to be called the most "intelligent" woman in the USA.


Isn't this a little too much?

Nighthawk said:

We would rather vote for Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden than Hillary. They are far less dangerous to the United States.

Mousetrails said:

That woman scares me. The only place she shines in in lies and deceit. She has more "tricks" up her sleeve than a Halloween witch.

I understand you all don't like her but besides just personal sentiment what is the evidence you all have to prove that she is indeed a very "dangerous" woman?

Attached Image Edited: LDS_forever on 25th Oct, 2006 - 5:28pm

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

25th Oct, 2006 - 11:32pm / Post ID: #

Hillary Clinton History & Civil Business Politics

As I suggested to arvhic, go back and read Nighthawk's post # 98950. Nighthawk did not exaggerate. Not one word or syllable is an exaggeration. All these things are already known about her, so read every line again carefully, and try to imagine that person in charge of the most powerful country in the world. Let me guess for you. Terrorist would very shortly rule the world, because she hates the American military, if we had a military. There wouldn't be money to pay the military because she would in no time ruin our economy. She is already a communist. The Lord only knows what consequence that would bring. And that's just scratching the surface. That woman scares me to death. As I said before, if she gains the Whitehouse we will go down and the world will never be the same.

Attached Image Edited: mousetrails on 25th Oct, 2006 - 11:35pm

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.2%

26th Oct, 2006 - 1:09am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Clinton Hillary

QUOTE (LDS_forever @ 25-Oct 06, 1:26 PM)
I understand you all don't like her but besides just personal sentiment what is the evidence you all have to prove that she is indeed a very "dangerous" woman?

The evidence?

She is one of the strongest supporters available for abortion on demand, paid for by the taxpayers.

She is openly contemptuous of the military.

She led the effort (unsuccessfully, fortunately) to socialize over 1/7 of the US economy. This would have put thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people out of work, and lowered the standard of living of millions more.

She openly supports the idea that the US judiciary should base much of its work on European judicial precedence. The US does NOT have the same culture as Europe. We have far different ideals, customs, and desires. Yet she wants us to BECOME Europe.

Her contempt traditional culture drips of vitriol. She apparently absolutely hates all of traditional Christianity. She openly equates conservative Christianity with fundamentalist Islamism.

She has already supported restrictions on speech based upon political and religious content.

This is just a small list of what makes her one of the most dangerous people there are. The big factor though, is that she has the full support of the mainstream media, including much of the foreign media, along with the Hollywood Left. That means that she will receive overwhelming free (monetarily) speech if she runs for President. And, most, if not all, journalistic reports of her will be biased toward getting her elected.

In my opinion.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

26th Oct, 2006 - 5:45pm / Post ID: #

Clinton Hillary

Thank goodness Hillary speaks and comes across as a controlling, demanding, wretch. I believe I am not alone in despising such hateful behavior. I believe the American public will see through her and the liberal news media.

In my NOTSO humble opinion.

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 102 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.2%

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2006 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

Hillary Clinton

According to encarta.msn.com: "As a child, Clinton wrote to NASA asking for advice on how to become an astronaut; NASA replied that girls could not be astronauts. Clinton has twice been named one of the 100 most influential attorneys in the United States by the National Law Journal. Clinton was a staff member for the House Judiciary Committee impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon. During her 1969 commencement address, Clinton departed from her planned speech to chide the previous speaker, Senator Edward W. Brooke, for making comments irrelevant to current events. Clinton became the first First Lady in U.S. history to be elected to the U.S. Senate."

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Post Date: 29th Oct, 2006 - 9:35pm / Post ID: #

Hillary Clinton
A Friend

Hillary Clinton - Page 3

Hillary Clinton represents to me the embodiment of big irrational government, one that thinks it knows how to run one's life better than one's self.She is for government waste, huge spending large taxes, and government intrusion on decisions of a personal nature. I think it would be a very bad thing if she was elected. Fortunately , I think it is unlikely that America wants to remember the Clinton's shameful past, let alone elect another one.

3rd Dec, 2006 - 10:49pm / Post ID: #

Hillary Clinton Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

Sen. Clinton asks Dems for help with "08 bid
Former first lady "actively considering a presidential run," aide says
Updated: 9:21 a.m. PT Dec 3, 2006

ALBANY, N.Y. - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun active consideration of a 2008 run for president and has personally asked some fellow top New York Democrats for their support in the event she goes ahead with such a campaign, a top adviser said Sunday.

"As Senator Clinton said, she was going to begin actively considering a presidential run after the election. That process has begun," said Howard Wolfson.
© 2006 The Associated Press.


Here we go. At the very least, it will make for interesting reading.

International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 ActivistPoliticianAmbassador 59.5%

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