SA Ages 30+ - Page 2 of 2

Actually, I'm not an easterner I moved - Page 2 - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 7th Nov, 2005 - 4:32pm

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11th Nov, 2003 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+ - Page 2

Well, I am a single male who has been looking for over 30 years and I guess that I've ran out of gas and so I am looking for friends, but with a faint glimmer of a hope to find that special one, but so far they call me Mister why because I mist her again.

I do wish I've had the chance of having my own children and having someone to care for and be cared for, but thats the way it goes I guess. Even though I've tried to be a good person all my life.

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Post Date: 15th Nov, 2003 - 8:33am / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

Ages SA

Well I have a strong testimony of the church, even though it someimes there is some uneasyness created by some members about RACIAL or SINGLE topics, which saddens me and the people who feel kind of left out.
But also that we as a membership have problems accepting other people, the church is still true for me.

Post Date: 24th Nov, 2003 - 1:09am / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

SA Ages 30+ Studies Doctrine Mormon

Hi everyone, I am single/divorced. 51 years old, no children, two cats. I love being single right now. Bad marriage ~ so I guess I need to enjoy the quiet and solitude while I can. Been seperated since 2000, got my divorce finally in april of this year.

I have two brothers (8 years older than me and 8 years younger than me), three sisters,(7 years and 4 years older and 6 years younger) Did have a sister that was 15 months younger, she passed away when she was 10. So you see I am truly the middle child.

Someday I would like to remarry. But first I want to be a friend, really good friend before I marry someone. Do you know what I mean? Get to know them, warts, farts and all.

chocolatqueen said:

I feel like I won't get married in the Church because I don't know if there is a man out there who is willing to date outside of his race.

I'm not sure just where I read it, but it was on the church's official site, that there is no distinction between the races, regarding dating and marriage, where the church is concerned. So I think you may just be experiencing some bad manners on the part of the Church members.

There are only two single men in my branch. Neither of whom would I date. One is Mentally Challanged, for lack of any other way to describe him. He is sweet, and has such a sweet spirit, but he also has the mentality of a 12 year old. The other is 'Nearly Dead'. wink.gif Guess I should start going to the Singles Activities at the Ward in the next town (17 mi. from me), and see what the pickings are. laugh.gif

Post Date: 28th Jun, 2005 - 3:46pm / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

Page 2 Ages SA


It can seem, after looking without success for a goodish while, as if one does not match anyone . Adding the variables of high intelligence plus originality to the already diminished pool of LDS persons diminishes the field drastically. This is without factoring in one's meyers-briggs compatibility or general preferences and interests let alone chemistry.

22nd Aug, 2005 - 3:42pm / Post ID: #

Ages SA


I found your comments to be interesting. What area of the country to you live in? I ask this becuase my experiences here in Utah have not reflected what you seem to run into. In fact, my niece was briefly married to a man of a contrasting race, and has a beautiful child to show for it.

I always just thought that it is left up to the individuals preferences, and beyond that, there is nothing wrong with it. But different demographic regions in the country might be playing a part in this.

As a 41 year old man just going through a divorce, and even though I am remotely no where ready for anything that even resembles dating, I appreciate everyones comments here. When you have a spouse who you dearly love tell you that she "does not love you that way anymore" and that she will "always be your friend" you tend to have your self esteem go up in smoke. But I do find hope and solice from what I read here. I figure someday I will once again be ready to test the waters.


Reconcile Edited: utahfuntimes on 22nd Aug, 2005 - 3:45pm

Post Date: 6th Oct, 2005 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

SA Ages 30+

I'm 32 yrs old and still single, I thought once I got active in the church I would find someone easily that would want to spend time and eternity with me. :Yeah, Right: Most of the Women of the church want someone who is a rm, and that is what they are taught. Being a non-rm I've found it kind of prejudice against those who weren't able to serve for one reason or another. Being single especially around the ages of 31 and 32 being an odd spot in the church your too old for YSA and when you go to the SA activities your usually the only one with out a walker or cain or still have most of your natural teeth. At least that was my experience.

About 5 months ago I received a E-mail from a young Philippina who didn't care if I was a rm or not, in fact she seemed to prefer that I'm not. The funny thing is my mom told me that I will find my true love in Utah, meaning she will be from utah so I searched in utah I would go to church dating sites and look only at Utah women and send them flirts or messages. I got nothing. I'm just thankful to the Almighty for modern Technology.

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Post Date: 7th Nov, 2005 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

SA Ages 30+ - Page 2

Hello to all.
I am new to this site and just checking things out. I have enjoyed reading all of the postings. Some interesting topics being started here. That's cool. You know how some of these sites can be. A bunch of people talking about nothing. So this is refreshing.
So....Weisenberger...I have to say. When I read your posting I had to laugh. The last single adult activity I went to here was a Thanksgiving dinner. When I arrived, I was greeted by two men shorter then me and maybe....oh a good 20 yrs older. They seemed to excited that I was there....I'm sure....So then, I made my way in the room. This was suppose to be a dinner and dance. Needless to say, the 5 people who were dancing were those vibrant gray headed ladies. Then I see my mother, 32 yrs older by the way, telling me I should sit with her at her table....ahh, how sweet mom...but no, I am going to pass and let you hang out with your friends tonight. The table was full of "her friend" and in her same age bracket or their mothers. I could not do it. I could not see myself sticking this one out. Besides the age thing, there were only about oh...I'd say 35-40 people there maybe. So,....I head out the door. Just on my way out, to confirm the reason I was exiting....when I got to the door, I stepped out of the way to let the lady with the walker come in. I smiled politely as I stepped out of her way. That was not the place I was meeting mr right or mr anyone for that matter. I mean come on.

Anyway, so I feel your pain. You must be an easterner as well. more thing....maybe your mother was right. I live in South Carolina. But I was born in UTAH laugh.gif, just a thought!
Have a good night all.
Alona in South Carolina

Post Date: 7th Nov, 2005 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

SA Ages 30+
A Friend

SA Ages 30+ Mormon Doctrine Studies - Page 2

Actually, I'm not an easterner I moved from Idaho, where the dating scene I described took place. There's nothing like going to a SA activity with your mother. :help!:

I haven't even giving the SA scene here a chance, for the simple fact that I'm maddly in love with the Philippina. Besides it seems that the SA commitee isn't sure what they are doing. The written announcements say one thing and the phone announcements say something totally different. After a couple of weeks of trying to figure out what's going on I just quite trying to find out where things are being held.

Then my stake starts a YSA ward in the old Tabernacle here in St. George for people between 21 and 30. I had a member of the bishopric ask me if I would be attending the new branch. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy going to church but at a YSA branch/ward I feel like an old man. cry.gif

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> TOPIC: SA Ages 30+


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