Illegals In The USA - Page 3 of 20

This is a very interesting little tidbit. - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 4th Apr, 2005 - 11:54am

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US Illegal Immigrants Security risk - they are working at airports, nuclear power plants and key areas! Illegal Immigration.
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27th Mar, 2005 - 5:26pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA - Page 3

Then go back from whence you came, and tell the others to stay away as well.

This is a very strong statement and got me pretty upset (not because you said it ;) ) but because I experienced it myself while being a legal immigrant over there. A lady on a store told me exactly what you just said. I will never forget it. Yet, she did not know my legal status...she did not know I was a legal immigrant (even if I was an illegal immigrant she has no right to treat me that way) and yet she judged me and treated me worst like a dog without me looking for that kind of treatment! (I mean she just saw me and told me that). Why? because of the simply fact that there are lots of Americans like you that are very displeased with the amount of immigrants that live in the US. And believe me, I understand it but I am sick of the stereotypes that just because I am Spanish for instance, I do not speak english, I am maid and I am illegal. With all respect, I think some Americans like this lady can be very ignorant sometimes and they cannot see the whole picture.

Those who come here legally and talk ill of the US, or those who come here illegally and expect the US taxpayers to pay their way, need to discovered and deported, in my ever so humble opinion. Enough is enough.

I do not want you to take it personal, but do not forget your roots. Maybe your relatives in the past have said something bad about the US and following your thread of thinking, they should have been deported, and you would have never been born in the US.

I am not justifying in any way the illegal occupation of immigrants in the US. I am against it like I am against it in every country and believe me these same illegal immigrants and legal immigrants also pay a very high price for wanting to enjoy the benefits of living in the US: constant bashing, discrimination, low incomes and stereotypation.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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27th Mar, 2005 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

USA The Illegals

LDS_forever, with all due respect, I think you took my words out of context. If they offended you, I apologize, but please read what I have written as a whole and not singular statements. Remember, most of my family are legal immigrants, so I would not pretend to mean that ALL immigrants be deported. I am mostly referring to those who continually deride and blame the US for their problems, and want Americans to conform to them instead of the other way around. You are coming to someone else's country, yet you refuse to learn the language, and want society to change to conform to your beliefs and cultural practices.
Believe me, I know what you mean by injustices done to those who do not look American. I have been through my share of those, and don't think I have seen the last of it either. I am also not saying that legal immigrants cannot complain about anything. Freedom of speech is first and foremost here. However, there are those, and you have seen them before, who come here, and absolutely hate Americans, hate the American way of life, and take every opportunity to complain about it, and bash those who uphold it. To those I say simply "Leave" If that is construed as ignorant or harsh on my part, then I apologize, but it is how I feel.
I know there are those who will say that Americans go to other countries and do the same, and I am not condoning their behavior either. The numbers, however, are very lopsided in terms of those who migrate to the US vs Americans who migrate elsewhere. I am simply making a statement that I cannot tolerate those who come here for a better life, but cannot tolerate the lifestyle of those who live here. I am pretty sure that does not mean I despise ALL immigrants and that I want all of them to be deported. I hope I made myself clear.

International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 ActivistPoliticianEnvoy 24.1%

27th Mar, 2005 - 10:11pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA History & Civil Business Politics

Malexander I took no offense of your words, just the statement you made it reminded me of my own experience, that's all.

Believe me, I know what you mean by injustices done to those who do not look American

What do you mean by those who do not look "American"?. Is there a particular way Americans look like? (I believe JB was asking you the same thing in the post before me).

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

28th Mar, 2005 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 USA The Illegals

I do not want you to take it personal, but do not forget your roots. Maybe your relatives in the past have said something bad about the US and following your thread of thinking, they should have been deported, and you would have never been born in the US.

I think I know exactly what you mean by this statement. I once worked with a woman from Germany. All she ever did was complain about how things were done in this country. She would compare it to how things were done in Germany and she always felt Germany did it better. She was here legally, but I remember being offended by her constant put downs. I really wondered why she didn't go back to Germany if it did everything better than we did in the US.

Remember is o.k. for you to complain about a member of your family, but if an outsider says the same thing, how do you feel? Fair or not, this is what happens when and immigrant comes to another country and then complains about how things are done in that country.

What do you mean by those who do not look "American"?. Is there a particular way Americans look like?

Well, if you look hispanic or middle eastern, you probably are assumed to be from another country. If you are black, without a French accent, or you look european, then people don't assume you are from another country. This is likely because these two groups, in general, have been here for generations, where the most recent immigrants come from South America, Mexico or the Middle East.

Attached Image Edited: funbikerchick on 28th Mar, 2005 - 6:05pm

International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 ActivistPoliticianDiplomat 32%

28th Mar, 2005 - 6:15pm / Post ID: #

USA The Illegals

Well, if you look hispanic or middle eastern, you probably are assumed to be from another country.

Assumptions about others is a racial divide - something that I find many US citizens doing not only with outsiders, but with each other. I have seen Native Indians being asked what part of Asia they came from - now that is insulting. Plus I want to emphasize one thing... the Spaniards were in and around the American Continent long before the Scandinavians with Mexico actually owning a greater part of the Western half of what is now the USA during one period.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

28th Mar, 2005 - 7:31pm / Post ID: #

Illegals In The USA

Well, if you look hispanic or middle eastern, you probably are assumed to be from another country. If you are black, without a French accent, or you look european, then people don't assume you are from another country

I found this to be very interesting. How it is possible for a land like the US who have been built by immigrants and every US citizen living there is in fact a descendant of an immigrant with its features and characteristics (blacks, whites, asians, etc) could assume such a thing?. I find it to be very odd since not all the US citizens I have met were European or black in ancestry but I would personally not assume such a thing since in my humble opinion when I think about a US citizen I do not think on a caucasian or african-american person, but I think in many races. But again, I guess some Americans see themselves as only "white or black", but based on my experienced and statitistics, there is not such a thing as a typical "US" look. In my opinion, of course.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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28th Mar, 2005 - 8:30pm / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA - Page 3

LDS, I think it depends upon in what part of the US you live. Much of suburban US is by vast majority, Caucasion. Much of what we see on TV is also represented this way. The vast majority of famous actors are what would be referred to as non-ethnic caucasion. This is true of news anchors as well.

The majority of the people with whom I work are from this ancestral background as well. In my office of approximately 100 people, there are two hispanic, one black, one Indian (from India not native American) and the rest what would be considered of european ancestry. Yes, most are not pure blood, we are all pretty much a mix of many ancestral backgrounds, but when blended together, we have a decidedly caucasion european look. Also, I think there is a look that says North American. It comes from having been born and raised in the environment just like being born and raised in Trinidad or Argentina leaves its stamp. Perhaps these traits are subtle and not as obvious to non-North Americans. Also, it is definately not 100% accurate. No steroetype ever is.

International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 ActivistPoliticianDiplomat 32%

4th Apr, 2005 - 11:54am / Post ID: #

Illegals The USA Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

This is a very interesting little tidbit. In Los Angeles, illegal aliens have more rights than citizens.

Under debate is L.A.'s sanctuary policy, special order 40, which prohibits the police from enforcing immigration laws. Special order 40 has made Los Angeles into a free-fire zone for illegal gangbangers, who know that the police can't touch them for their immigration crimes. So what does the LAPD top brass propose to do? Confer due process rights on illegal chollos that your average Crips homie could only dream of possessing.

Compare the fate of two gangbangers, one American, the other an illegal Mexican. Let's say a cop sees a member of the 42nd St. Gangster Crips hanging out with fellow Crips in a park that the gang controls. Congregating in the park is illegal under a local gang injunction. The cop can arrest all those Crips on the spot; he doesn't need to go before a judge to get an arrest warrant.

Now imagine that that same cop sees an illegal alien member of the 18th Street gang hanging out on Cesar Chavez Blvd. The 18th Streeter has already been deported back to Mexico following conviction for murder. Upon deportation, he was forbidden from ever returning to the U.S. His mere presence in L.A. now is a federal felony punishable by 20 years in jail. Can the cop arrest him?

Absolutely not-not under the old special order 40, nor under the proposed revision. According to the contemplated new rules, that cop first has to call his supervisor; that supervisor has to call federal immigration officials at ICE; ICE officials have to go before a federal judge to get an arrest warrant; then with warrant in hand, the cop may finally arrest the felonious 18th Streeter. Oops. He's gone.

This is preposterous. To arrest an American citizen for a crime, arrest warrants are rarely required; about 95% of arrests of citizens are warrantless. But in L.A., under the new rules, illegal criminals will have due process rights that guarantee them not just judicial review before they can be taken off the streets, but federal judicial review-the gold standard of all constitutional protections. Maybe home-grown criminals should renounce their citizenship and reenter the country illegally. It would be a constitutional windfall for them.

Are the inmates running the asylum yet?

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 85.4%

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