Durgan starts the fight by sending forth a fireball from his helm, then stands beside Zork to attack with mace. Sessativa tries to use the quarterstaff's length to remain somewhat safe behind Zork and Drugan while still hitting the spiders.
The dog is not able to get back due to spiders between you and him plus they are attacking him. I will need a save vs spell on the dog.
Out of Character: make sure you mark off another gem on the helm. Edited: KNtoran on 23rd May, 2016 - 3:02pm
Out of Character: Already marked off. I just noticed I forgot my initiatives. Secondly, I was hoping to cast the fireball before they reached us, and if possible aim it further down to not harm the dog (Which is in contrast to the first time I cast it).
Out of Character: I think I just skipped over the lone dog advancing without imagining it occurring. Too self centred :(I guess the single dog will have to be collateral, sorry Txtrpg.
Hopefully the fireball also enters the openings a little.
Lots of cooked spiders now but enough are still alive too. But I am ahead of myself.
As the dog heads back he was attacked by spiders and bit three times for a total of 14 damage. The dog has to save vs poison three times as well as save vs spell.
The fireball then hits. Causing some of the spiders to drop to the ground and shake in their death throes as their lives are cooked from them. As the fire clears you can see at least six spiders headed in your direction.
Out of Character: I won't bother with the rolls dog D is dead.
In Character: Zork looks at Durgan, "Use that against an army not in a corridor with us in it or did you forget what happened to my dogs last time!" Zork shakes his head as he goes over to now burnt / poisoned dog.
Out of Character: I have one dog with full HP left and the rest are above ground.
In Character: Instead of ordering the dog to go ahead and attack he waits til the spiders are close enough so he is not fighting alone.
As the spiders close in you all attack. The first spider misses its attack to Zork. Zork attacks back hitting it for 7 damage. The dog misses. Dugan misses his attack as does Sessativa. The other spiders attack Durgan is bit for 2 damage, Saving throw needed. Sessativa is missed.
Next round Zork is missed. Zork hits the spider for 6 more damage killing it. The dog hits for 11 damage on a spider. Dugan is bitten again for 4 damage and Sessativa is bitten for 5 damage Saving throws from each needed. Durgan hits the spider for 8 damage and Sessativa hits her spider for 8 damage. The dog is bitten for 3 damage need saving throw.
Next round, Zork is missed again. Zork hits for six damage and the dog bites for 12 damage killing the spider. Durgan is bitten again for 2 damage and another saving throw. Sessativa is missed. Durgan hits his spider for 9 damage killing it while Sessativa hits hers for 5 damage killing it.
Next round, Zork is missed again. The Dog is missed as are Durgan and Sessativa. Zork misses but the dog hits for 10 damage. Sessativa misses as does Durgan.
There are two spiders left. Attack rolls please. Plus saving throws for those who need them.