KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 34 of 250

Durgan leads Sessativa out of the room and - Page 34 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 6th Jul, 2014 - 11:15pm

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Post Date: 6th Jun, 2014 - 11:16pm / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 34

You flip the latch and pull on the board and the wardrobe starts to slide to the side and pivots in towards the center of the room. There is now a hole where the wardrobe used to be with steps heading down and around. The steps are steep and descend quickly. What is your next move?

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7th Jun, 2014 - 11:32am / Post ID: #
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Chainbreaker says...

Sessativa looks to Durgan with a mischievous grin, feeling pretty impressed with herself. "Well what do you think about that? Do you think we should go down there now or wait until we've searched everything up here first?"

Durgan smiles in reply. "Excellent work! I am very curious to see what needs to be kept secret. Stay behind me and don't forget to look back."

He will lead the way downstairs, looking out, especially for traps. She will be holding a torch walking right behind him.
D12 = 5

Post Date: 12th Jun, 2014 - 3:52pm / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

You both slowly and carefully make your way down the steep steps. You soon find yourself in a room that is about 20 feet by 20 feet with the steps in the center winding back up. Looking about the room you see many book cases and chests lined along the walls. The shelves hold many volumes of books many in good condition by the looks of them. The chests all 12 of them do not appear locked at all.

What is my our next move?

28th Jun, 2014 - 2:10pm / Post ID: #
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Page 34 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Chainbreaker says...

Durgan is excited by the find but also curious about what is in the chests and upstairs. Sessativa stands back as Durgan checks the contents of all the chests.

Post Date: 2nd Jul, 2014 - 2:03am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The books are tomes of ancient religions. In the chest you find the following things:

5,500 platinum, 8,900 gold, 14,400 silver, 23,650 copper

Two suits of armor, three shields, four maces, two long swords, three short swords, five morning stars, two helms, six boots, five leather armor, two bows, 80 arrows, four crossbows, 120 bolts.

18 rings, five necklaces, three bracers, 17 gems of various sizes, five golden circlets.

3rd Jul, 2014 - 1:15pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG

The Chainbreaker says...

Durgan thoroughly looks through his find. He will try to find a pattern in the kinds of books here, to see if they suggest anything about the owner. He will also look for common symbols among the equipment.

When he is satisfied, after about half an hour or so, he will take the largest gem in the room and nothing else. While he wouldn't want to steal normally, all the evidence seems to point against whoever lives here. Perhaps they won't notice one thing missing. Then he attempts to rearrange the room to how it was.

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Post Date: 5th Jul, 2014 - 4:31am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 34

After spending another hour rearranging the room back to what you think is how it was when you entered you leave the room. You did not see any one symbol that stood out more than others. The books seem to have been placed in random order through out the shelves. Even the coins and jewelry seems to be randomly placed inside the various chests.

You climb the steep stairs back up to the room you were in.

6th Jul, 2014 - 11:15pm / Post ID: #
Cleric 4
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 34

The Chainbreaker says...

Durgan leads Sessativa out of the room and into the corridor, turning right and continuing deeper.

Out of Character: Just want to make sure that 1 gem is taken by Durgan.

I hope Canabusis doesn't mind being controlled for a short while, Sessativa will only be providing a torchlight.

> TOPIC: KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG


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