Durgan listens closely to the door, even attempting to open it just a crack if he can't hear anything.
1d6 = 5. Edited: iCon on 6th Oct, 2014 - 1:56am
You enter a room that is 40 feet deep and stretches to your left in what appears a non ending room. Inside you see some tables scattered here and there and what looks like body parts scattered not far from them. Off in the distance you hear something loud and foul but your not sure what it is.
Durgan is disgusted, but must do what has to be done. He inspects the body parts to see how they were dismembered, if by a tool or brute strength. He decides to start sneaking up quietly, maybe 50 feet to get a better listen and look.
Many of the bodies have been torn apart by brute strength. A few have been hacked apart like tortured. The bodies look a lot fresher than the corpses of zombies or skeletons. You travel the 50 feet and still do not see any signs of the room ending. You still hear something loud in the distance ahead.
Durgan sneaks forward, his adrenalin flowing but he's trying to suppress it. Every step he takes is calculated, and he keeps trying to make out what exactly could be making the noise, or how large it could possibly be.