KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 108 of 250

As you ride for the gates arrows begin to - Page 108 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 21st Sep, 2015 - 9:30pm

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18th Sep, 2015 - 3:54pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 108

The Chainbreaker says...

Zork loses hope as Durgan tries to avoid taking a battle stance. The first volley may hurt, but it could be worth keeping up pretences.

He stalls for words, "I'm Zachary! This week... Um... I think it's... Freedom isn't free!"

Out of Character: Initiative was on a d6, right? Or we just go second since they have advantage?

Durgan Results:
  • Initiative on D6 (+0): 3 (1 roll)

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Post Date: 19th Sep, 2015 - 2:05am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

Out of Character: yes intitiative is a d6

In Character: Seeing the prisoner take a defensive stand the leader backs up yelling imposters kill them. About that time you see a flash streak past you and the 8 bandits are caught unaware as a fireball explodes around them. You feel the heat but the damage area is just beyond you. After the flash of the fireball you see 8 dead bandits and you hear a warning bell coming from the fort.

19th Sep, 2015 - 4:47pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Chainbreaker says...

"Take every advantage you can!" Shout Durgan as he drops the ropes of Zork and horse, kicking into his own hosre to bolt stragiht for the gate. As he advances he draws his heavy mace ( 1 segment?). If he still hasn't reached the gate he casts Aid on Zork

Out of Character: Aid grants 1d8 temporary HP, and gives the effects of bless to 1 target, that is +1 to hit and +1 to damage)

Durgan Results:
  • Aid HP on D8 (+0): 6 (1 roll)

Post Date: 20th Sep, 2015 - 3:24am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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Page 108 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

As you rush the gate you see a number of men rushing up to the top of the walls. You can see some working to close the gates. As you get closer you see the lady heading towards the gate behind you. You are still out of bow range.

20th Sep, 2015 - 12:42pm / Post ID: #
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Swift Sword says...

Zork rides with fury to get in that gate before they close it attacking anyone that stands in front of him.

Out of Character: In the first instance he will use his bow and then sword if he gets close so I'm putting both rolls.

Zork Results:
  • Bow on D20 (+0): 14, 13, 20, 15 (4 rolls)
  • Damage on D6 (+0): 1, 2, 3, 6 (4 rolls)
  • Broad sword on horse on D20 (+2): 16, 5, 13, 17 (4 rolls)
  • Damage on D8 (+0): 2, 6, 6, 2 (4 rolls)

21st Sep, 2015 - 1:22am / Post ID: #
Cleric 4
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG

The Chainbreaker says...

Durgan Pushes his horse forward as he focuses on a prayer. "Trithereon, hinder those that would harm your faithful servant." He points a straight wire up above the gate and casts Hold Person at the 3 bandits closest to the gate; targeting those closing the gate as a priority and any archers are just a bonus.

Out of Character: Zork, please don't forget your extra HP, attack and damage bonuses from the Aid spell! it'll come in handy! At the same time update your AC, should be 3 in full-plate with no shield, otherwise you'll be full of arrows like a pincushion!

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21st Sep, 2015 - 2:04pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 108

The Swift Sword says...

Out of Character: Sorry about that. I changed my AC to 3. I will include rolls for the extra hit points here. Dungeon Master, please include the +1 on my damage and hit which means for both bow and sword I do hit a lot!

Zork Results:
  • Temporary HP on D8 (+0): 6 (1 roll)

Post Date: 21st Sep, 2015 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 108

As you ride for the gates arrows begin to fall around you. Ahead of you you see part of the wall explode as a fireball rolls out from it taking part of the top and one side of the gate out. The gate now can not be closed and arrows cease from that side of the fort. Zork shoot a badit from the wall with a well placed arrows but the second shot misses. His third shot kills a bandit with the arrow going through his eye. The four arrow hits another bandit killing him then you are inside the fort. Durgan sees that one pushing the gate closed stops moving but the others keep on pushing even though they can close but one side now. Soon you are along side Zork inside the fort. Around you, you see bandits running towards the central keep and getting inside a few are running towards you in an attempt to attack.

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