You head down the corridor and see up ahead on the right hand side. Looking down the opening you see it is 20 wide and 20 feet deep ending in a doorway. The door way is a double door and looks made of solid wood and very nicely made. You can see no lock on the door. And it opens inwards. The corridor continues straight 20 feet and then turns to the left.
Zork stops and examines the door, he looks at the lady and asks her opinion about it, "Do you sense any magic?"
Out of Character: If she does not sense anything then Zork will use his weapon to push the door open with his bow ready.
Durgan admits he doesn't have many spells left, only the ability to command an enemy for a second, as well as all of his healing potential. But he is still ready for combat as he lifts his mace high, at the ready.
Out of Character: Zork asks if the lady if she still has magic left to fight. If so, he will push the door open with his feet, roll to one end and start firing with his bow.
Durgan doesn't have the same reservations as Zork. As the door opens he steps toward the closest foe, shouting, "Surrender! It's hopeless for you!"
If there's an obvious leader, he casts Command "Drop!" Before laying in with attacks.
You open the door and inside you see three humans in armor. They are standing halfway in the room and slowly draw their long swords as you open the door. The raise their shields and prepare for battle. These three are not fearful of you and laugh at you when you tell them to surrender. These guys are not your average bandits. One does pause for a bit then shakes his head and smiles. "Sorry your spell has failed your blood will soon grace my sword."
As he says this a bolt of lightning arcs to the guy in the middle from between you. He jolts from the powerful attack and then falls backwards unmoving. Everyone is frozen for a few seconds and then the two remaining guys yell out as they move forward to attack.
"Its time to battle" Says Zork as he gets his arrows going towards the armored bandits.