To start, I recommend a short back story, which works as a good starting point in either case. One or two paragraphs should be enough. I think you read the Kingmaker Players Guide if I remember, just mentioning it in case you didn't.
It's your choice to make the character how you want. If you go for your current build, that is one less decision to make.
I was told to come here to play. This is my first exposure to this kind of text play so I will need guidance. Can I forgo the character creation and start or is this a prerequisite?
Welcome to the boards! I see you've written your experience is with Zork, which I remember trying once, but can't remember clearly. Dungeons & Dragons as well as Pathfinder and other Role-playing Games are quite different. A lot more depth in the character and the need to set your own goals, make it more of a common story.
The first step is to write a background for your character. One or two paragraphs of personality and history. I can help you with placing him in the setting and building him with the rules.
For inspiration you can read the Kingmaker Player's Guide, just follow the links in the first post and do a search for it on the Paizo website.
I appreciate the guidance. I downloaded the PDF, I didn't realize I had to register there as well to get it. The guide is very professionally done. So from my first browse through we are beginning in a land called, "Brevoy" That has groups that don't like each other very much. We start as a group and have to fight bandits. There are many races but I will most likely start as a human fighter since its the most simple I guess. I'll just be a bastard that way I have no ties to anyone although nobility was tempting. What else do you need?
The company Paizo has found a great market and has had success. The adventure I'm running is pre-written hence the professional guide. I will however alter a few minor things and add a lot to accommodate my players.
I need a bit more basic character info: name, age, appearance and a basic equipment list including weapons and armour. A few sentences about his personality, and a few sentences about where and how he was brought up and what he does day to day. That should be the basic minimum to start.
Once you've posted that, I can help you start generating a character sheet. We will be consulting the rules linked in the Rules, Setting and Questions thread (Click here) under the Getting Started section of the Core Rulebook, or if you are using the unofficial d20PFSRD site find the Character Creation Outline. There is also a video linked on the forum for reference:
Source 1
Feel free to make it up! PRGs require imagination. The equipment list will have to be redone at the end, so that it doesn't cost too much.
Name: Zork
Age: 26
Apperance: Zork has a shaggy look with unkempt long hair and a short beard and mustache. He has an athletic build and tends to be more on the muscular side although not bulky.The only part of him that is well kept is his sword.
Background: Zork grew up hard and as a teen he found himself among thieves. He acquired some of their skills but knew it was not for him because he was more of a forward fellow that didn't like operating in the shadows. He became a fighter when he teamed up with some soldiers that was on patrol.
Equipment: Rough armor, maybe chain or shoulder plate. A short sword and a long bow for hunting. Backpack and some provisions. (Not sure what else to say)