Have an idea for background story but unsure exactly how to perfect it. I would like to be an Elven Cleric from the southern part of Brevoy,(South of Restov) As a pioneer with my family. I lost them all and our home to an invasion of ? (What type of creature would be the biggest threat in that area?) I would become a cleric because I was inspired to heal and help others who have seen similar circumstances as myself? Am I getting this about right? I would just like you to help me fill in the blanks so to speak so I can submit my background story for your approval. I am unsure as to normal size of elves within your game? I appear as a long haired brunette, blue eyes, 5' 1" (?), 96 lbs. Whats the equivalent of 23 human years? I will submit final background when I have all relevant information. Thank you.
For KNortan, if you are still interested I fleshed out a background a bit more.
Theaton has lived most of his life in Greengold, the second largest city in the elven nation of Kyonin. Despite its size and location, the city is actually non-elven, a trading hub with the elves that keeps the humans contained away from the rest of their homeland. His human father was a bookkeeper for one of many merchants. His elven mother was a handmaiden to an elvish noble, who was one of the many nobles responsible for ensuring Greengold's adherence to elven law. Despite being looked down upon by other elves, he was raised in their ways learning the forest and helping guard it, but was never quite accepted as an equal. Because of this, he didn't get to see his father often, and following his mother's profession would've ridiculed him further so he went about his own life with the elves, but never quite one of them.
One day, Theaton finds the beginnings of his adventure. A poster seeking skilled guides needed to protect a caravan travelling through the anarchic River Kingdoms. When applying for the position, Theaton was quickly hired due to his elven blood less so for his forest skills. He learned that most of the journey was to be travelled by river barge, the rangers were required in case it was grounded or otherwise failed halfway. The journey itself followed the Sellen River 200 miles East, and then 200 miles Northwest, taking about 12-15 days against the flow of the river.
And so, Theaton has half a day to prepare, when he wakes on the morning of the 10th of Calistril, with the barge leaving at midday. The dockside inn is quiet in the morning, a result of the raucous party the night before and every night before that.
Out of Character:: KNortan, if you accept this backstory, you can begin posting in the game thread HERE. Note that you have not yet received the charter written in the main game, this will happen soon (Spoilers :P ). I wrote it up for you because I like characters to have more than just a quest to motivate them. Sorry for the delay and thanks for joining my game!
Cannabis Sandrist is an Elven Cleric from the southern part of Brevoy,(South of Restov) As a pioneer with my family, we survived on what we could grow and hunt with love and respect. I lost my family and our home to an invasion of ? I sought out to become a cleric, wanting to heal and help others who have seen similar circumstances as to save them the heartache I suffered from loosing my entire family. I am a long haired brunette my hair flows past the top curve of my buttocks in spiraling wavy locks. I have blue eyes as piercing and colorful as the mid morning sky. I stand about five foot one inches and weigh only ninety six pounds. With pouty lips that cast a radiant smile. My kind nature, and ever helpful spirit only adds to my beauty. (Sorry excited and just couldn't wait for your reply, Add to it or fix it where necessary I hope this works?)
To Canabusis, I'm glad you're excited!
First off, a cleric needs a deity to be devoted to.
A choice selection with very brief summaries include:
Elven Pantheon
There is a whole LOT of information at the following: Source 3. Of course I don't expect you to read it all. The sample list I gave was expanded on from a subheading on the page about elves.
Shivas Shanti is an Elven Cleric from the out skirts of Hymbria. As a pioneer with my family, we survived on what we could grow and hunt with love and respect. I lost my family and our home to an invasion of worgs. I sought out to become a cleric, wanting to heal and help others who have seen similar circumstances as to save them the heartache I suffered from loosing my entire family. I came to follow the goddess Sarenrae for her compassion. I am 97 years old. I am a long haired brunette my hair flows in spiraling wavy locks. I have blue eyes as piercing and colorful as the mid morning sky. I stand about five foot seven inches and weigh only one hundred twenty seven pounds. With full lips that cast a radiant smile. My kind nature, and ever helpful spirit only adds to my beauty.
I know that you need help to create a character, so I will assist you, rather than make the whole thing for you. We all have to start somewhere. I strongly suggest a physical character sheet, but an online generator is available linked in the Rules, Settings, Questions thread.
Excellent, so there are a few options that I need input on. You can play a classic Cleric, who can choose to channel positive energy in an area around him to heal friends or harm undead OR go for the Merciful Healer archetype which doesn't allow you to target undead but gives you great healing related abilities.
Ability scores is very subjective.
As a caster cleric and Strength doesn't help much. Dexterity can be used to hit with ranged spells and weapons, as well as helping dodge attacks. Constitution keeps you on your feet, and you have to mitigate the racial -2 penalty to it.
Intelligence is for skills and knowledge, you already have the elf bonus so you don't need more unless you want. Wisdom is for casting cleric spells, it makes them harder for monsters to resist and you can cast more spells in a day. Charisma is what clerics use to channel their area heal (Or harm undead) and also judges how well you communicate with others, some people suggest beauty comes into it too.
So with this in mind, could you at least give me what you judge to me the priority of your skills, for example: From most to least important Dexterity > Wisdom > Constitution = Charisma > Strength > Intelligence. (Using the mathematical definition for the symbols)
When you give me this I can post half a sheet, then we can decide the next steps: Skills, Feats and Equipment.
EDIT: Also how far (Miles) from civilisation are you located?
And some unanswered questions from before: how long have you been in the area? Where did you come from before? Why did your parents move from their homeland? What social class were they?
Edited: iCon on 10th Jul, 2013 - 5:24am