Cyrus reaches and gets up onto the branch above the wall. From up here you can see behind you Chirissa's little cage for her rat is empty and she is watching the guard through the gate.
Cyrus's first steps along the thin part of the branch make a soft rustling noise. The guard stops stabbing at the ground and stands up, scanning the garden. You move silently to a more concealing part of the tree. As you continue, a twig snaps. The guard's eyes look towards the noise and he cranes his head as he approaches for a better look, but he's struggling to see on this dark night.
Cyrus can see the thick part of the branch provides a clear path across the tree, but it may be hard to use a grapple while the tree is being scrutinized by the guard. Also, the signal of a smashing window at the front of house hasn't occurred yet.
Out of Character: Does Cyrus stay still or try to leave or advance? Or something else entirely?
After a good minute or so, the guard says "Must have been the wind," and walks away. He still keeps a lookout, glancing at the tree and gate every so often.
Spotting Chirissa at the gate and mistaking her for a child he says, "Hey little girl! This is private property. Scram!"
It's the perfect opportunity for Cyrus to sneak over to the other side of the tree. The balcony awaits. Cyrus pulls out his grapple and begins to hover it over to the balcony.
Then everyone hears a smash! The signal, meaning the window at the front of the house has been smashed. The guard turns and runs inside. The light that went out upstairs is lit again. There is movement in the left room then it stops.
Behind you one of the Adams, the halfling, is picking the lock to the gate, but it's taking him some time. Chirissa just got on the branch and Johan is climbing the wall.
It felt strange, coming from a place where the worship of Sarenrae was so prominent to a land where it seemed her presence was barely felt. Still, the clergy of Erastil were still pleasant to her so Kyra was grateful for that. The young paladin actually smiled at the joke made, holding back a soft laugh.
She offered thanks for the direction, before calling to the black cat nearby, "Lets go Aril." With the feline near and guiding her horse through the many tents she found herself before small chapel of her Goddess located in the slums of the city.
"Is this really all," Kyra would ask, remember the grand and beautiful temples of Sarenrae in her home of Katapesh, with her tone disappointed. She'd feel Aril rub against her leg before he said softly, "Did you consider this might be partly why you are here young one?"
The young woman nodded, before looking to the old man giving soup to the poor and hungry. Seeing so many in need did break Kyra's heart, yet this merely emboldened her to find her place here.
Looking through her pack, the young woman would gather together 200 gold peices. In a small bag, she places these coins onto the table near the old man and asking respectfully, "Please Father, accept this donation."
Looking to those so hungry she adds softly, "If I may also help offer soap, I would like to speak to you." Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Dec, 2016 - 4:36pm
The man replies in a high-pitched and measured tone, "These people cannot eat metal but we will accept the soap. I must complete my work for them today. You may speak freely before them if you have nothing to hide." He continues ladling, not looking at Kyra during the dialogue.
"The money can be used to buy more food and soup," Kyra offered, wondering why that was not considered, though perhaps money had less value here, "As well clothes those here may need or perhaps supplies to help make more meals."
On the rest the paladin nods before explaining, gesturing to Aril though her familiar only meows, "I have been sent here by Sarenrae, though for what purpose I am not yet sure." She helps by handing out the bowls as the old man puts soup in them.
Considering the city she askes, "What can you tell me about this city, recent events or even who I might go to which has authority here?" Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Dec, 2016 - 2:03pm
"Money brings its own set of problems," the man replies. Indeed, most of the people gathered are eyeing the bag hungrily.
The man relents and focuses on you, "I am the highest authority in our church here, or was before your visit. As for your purpose, I suspect that I know. You come at an auspicious time. There is an pardoner from the church of Iomedae who is coming to bring atonement to a man in a high-profile legal case. I was going to attend so now we can both go and you can support my frail body.
"The details are this man, Akiros, is a former paladin who had fallen into banditry. He was captured by a noble group of adventurers and brought here, but was repentant. His church wants him back now. Judging by the distance from the capital, the pardoner should arrive tomorrow.
"On that topic, these adventurers are now landed barons. There is talk that one of them was in our faith, but has lost his ways to the golden allure of Abadar. In the long term, there may be an opportunity to bring him back, or at least keep his tenets aligned with ours." Edited: iCon on 19th Dec, 2016 - 2:42pm
"Hmm, I see your point Father. I did intend to bring trouble," Kyra says softly, seeing the trouble her offer of a donation might of cased, before taking the bag and placing it on her belt pouch, "I will see about purchasing the food and supplies, donating that instead. My apologizes for my error in wisdom."
"I could have told you that," came a familiar voice that at the moment only she could understand, Akil words coming off as merely a meow to others, "You need to be more careful."
"I know, I know," Kyra says softly to the cat, before turning to the priest and saying with a bow of her head, "I would be honored to help you." The paladin considered what she had just been told.
"So it is the work of the adventurers that this city is being built." She says at least in part to herself, still offering bowls to those seeking a meal. Kyra realized that she had forgotten to introduce herself saying, "My name is Kyr, born in Katapesh under Sarenrae's blessed light."
Looking to the cat nearby she adds softly, gesturing towards him with a smile, "This is Akil, my dear friend. He is my guide and adviser when it comes to following the Goddess' will and plan." Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Dec, 2016 - 4:35pm