ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 99 of 105

Many emotions pass across the young woman's - Page 99 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 2nd Jan, 2017 - 5:39pm

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21st Dec, 2016 - 2:38am / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 99

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As you begin assisting serving the basic stew, the poor folk bow deeply in respect before presenting their bowls.

"Thank your for your help. I am Enkhnaran, or in the tongue of the Horse Lords, peace of the sun," he replies. "It is not the name I was born with, but rather earned through my demeanour.
"A black cat, an appropriate travelling companion for a Sarenite. He reminds me of the Agathions playing in the fields of Nirvana. I hope to join them soon."

The crowd, satisfied with their meals, begins to disperse and the old man, in a surprising show of strength, lifts the cauldron and brings it inside. He finally turns to you you, giving full attention to anything more you want to talk about.

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22nd Dec, 2016 - 1:11am / Post ID: #
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

Aril turned his head to face the man, the cat taking on a look that seemed to be that of consideration and even surprise at the later part of Enkhnaran's words. This behavior would be noticed by Kyra and likely the old priest as she looks to the feline with a raised eye asking, "What was that about?"

The cat would look away, saying simply with a meow to Kyra, "Nothing, his words just surprised me is all wish is words of 'Agathions playing in the fields of '." The paladin shakes her head, a bit confused as she did not understand why such would hold meaning to her familiar or why Aril reach as he did. Yet perhaps she could ask about such later and learn more.

Looking to Enkhnaran she asks, "Nirvana, Agathions? These words hold meaning to Aril for some reason, though I am not sure why they would effect him so." Kyra thought for a moment, pondering if she know anything of them. She would help get everything cleaned up, though she was impressed of him lifting the pot by himself, with the priest giving her his full attention afterwards.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 22nd Dec, 2016 - 1:14am

Kyra Results:
  • Knowledge (religion) on D20 (+2): 13 (1 roll)

23rd Dec, 2016 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

Kyra certainly knew about the outer plane of Nirvana, home to good and meditative souls. It is said to have a landscape of rolling hills and woodlands and is populated with the outsiders called Agathions. They are chose souls who have manifested into bestial forms, but any more info escapes Kyra.

"Perhaps some deep resonance within him," Enkhnaran replies. "Being an animal he has ties to the state of Nirvana though the great cycle of death and rebirth. It could be that one of the souls nearby has a personality that will manifest in cat form on that plane."

"So will you be interested in seeing the pardoner at work tomorrow? Do you have a place to stay? The chapel is small, but you would be most welcome."

24th Dec, 2016 - 3:02pm / Post ID: #
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Page 99 Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

Kyra considers the feline, wondering if that was all it was though Aril kept quiet. Turning back to the priest she says with a respectful bow, "If you're willing to have me father, until I have a better idea of my purpose and place here, I would be honored to stay in the chapel."

"On watching the pardoned work tomorrow, that will be fine as well," Looking to Aril again, seeking his guidance, the paladin pauses before asking her familiar, "Should I ask him about who leads this city? Kyra had considered such, but was not certain yet if she should make her presence known.

Out of Character: Through Aril, Kyra has access to an at will use of the spell Guidance.

28th Dec, 2016 - 12:41pm / Post ID: #
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Game Master says...

Aril replies that such questions should be asked by any paladin in any settlement in order to ensure the leaders act responsibly to their citizens, however one should act gracefully and not force the issue if not granted audience.

The next morning, there is no parade announcing the entrance of First Sword Knight Anarrow. There are only a group of senior ministers of all the faiths in town having heated discussions on religion. As she enters everyone unceremoniously (Except for the guards who perform their drill well) continues debating as they follow he to the Cathedral of Erastil, the largest temple in town dedicated to the god of the frontier. Its entangling vines and the decorations still hanging from the Archerfeast holiday give it some more colour apart from shades of brown wood.

Hegin Krembua, a gnome priest of Iomeadae, introduces the case to the First Sword Knight. Akiros, an ex-paladin, killed his lover and her husband in a fit of rage after her betrayal. He escaped from his rear-line duties defending against the Worldwound and became a bandit. Now, after being captured, he is truly repentant.

Anarrow says, "I have the resources and the autority to absolve this man of his sins, but I cannot make this decision on my own."
Anarrow then opens the floor to questions and discussions.

Out of Character: I can't see how you get access, and even then Guidance is a weak spell. It's hardly an Augury.

Here's an opportunity to try out social combat if you want an extended RP, or just roll Diplomacy.

30th Dec, 2016 - 4:37pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue

The Diplomat says...

The temple was without a doubt impressive, actually leading Kyra to smile as she considered it. Sure, Erastil was not the one she held loyalty too or who she worshipped but the young paladin still had respect for the God not only because of him being one of the oldest of human deities in the Inner Sea region but because of his emphasis on the family as well keeping order in the wild frontier, among other things.

She looks to the senior ministers discussing their religions among each other. Yes, Sarenrae influence may be all but non-existent, but at least it seemed clear the city had not been overwhelm with corruption or evil. Perhaps the it was because Kyra's goddess desired her light to shine in such a wilderness that the you paladin was here.

Hearing the floor opened for questions and discussion Kyra steps into view and, offering a bow of her head to Anarrow in respect she says, "First Sword Knight, if I may there is a few things I'd like to ask." She pauses, somewhat nervous of talking among so many as a stranger, before continuing, "What are the details of the betrayal against Akiros, that led him on the path where he kill the one most dear to him, flee from his responsibilities, and to banditry? How has he shown his remorse and repentance of heart? What, might bring you to stay thy judgement."

Realizing very quickly that she would need to introduce herself, given the questions many would ask of who she was, Kyra adds, "I am Kyra of the city Katapesh, a chosen servant of Sarenrae. I arrived just yesterday and know not yet my purpose in the city, simply that I have been told to come here."

Out of Character: I may try both, trying both social combat as well a Diplomacy check? Maybe making use of the rolls only when you feel needed? Edit: Oh my, I rolled a natural 20... Nice.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 31st Dec, 2016 - 2:32am

Kyra Results:
  • Diplomacy check on D20 (+16): 36 (1 roll)

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1st Jan, 2016 - 4:48am / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 99

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"Pleased to meet you Kyra," Anarrow replies as the eyes of the gathered priests and acolytes move from you to her. "Welcome to Brevoy and Restov, you should gain a lot of worldly experience here. I think your timely presence may be a gift from Heaven, or Nirvana. Hegin has been consulting extensively with Akiros and he can explain the details better than I could."

The gnome that steps forward is old, with brown-grey hair and a light tan. As he gets up off a stool on the dais, he says a quick prayer Kyra doesn't recognise. His voice is officious and yet excited as he explains, "Akiros is not a local, just like as many crusaders at the Worldwound. He grew up in rural Taldor and was trained to be defender of Iomedae's faith from a very young age, as his parents could not support him on their farm.

"As he grew, so did his community. The village turned into a town with a trade route. There came a merchant and his wife to settle in town, and our poor protagonist fell in love with the woman - Rosilla. I have determined that the marriage had been performed by the church of Abadar.

"It had just been a month after Akiros's initiation into his paladin order that they began to see each other in secret. The affair didn't end when Akiros was relocated…

The priests in resplendent gold, silver and white silk robes jeer and call out, "They signed a marriage contract!" "There are punishments for adultery!" "The only way is to find what's written in the contract vault!"

Hegin waves his arms, signalling for quiet. He continues bluntly, "They are both dead now and I doubt their contract had a third-party clause."

There are some gasps from the priests who had not been informed and reverent silence from others. One of the Abadarans calls out, "We have to check to make sure!"

Anarrow shouts sharply, "THAT is why we're gathered here! Please continue, Hegin."

The gnome takes a more measured tone, "When Akiros was called to serve the crusade at the Worldwound, Rosilla followed him, using her husband's mercantile business as an excuse. Akiros dearly wanted the glory of serving on the front lines, but with his personality, he was better at motivating recruits and found himself stationed further and further away from Kenabres. Rosilla met up with him in Egede, the Mendevian city furthest from the Worldwound, and they they continued to 'pursue their passions'.

"Akiros' truthful recollection agrees with the witness statements. They state that around midday on 4th of Neth, 4707, Rosilla's husband dragged her over to the barracks where Akiros was stationed and confronted him. He threatened Rosilla with a divorce, stating that it was well within his legal rights. I am nigh on sure that her next statement was a lie. She claimed that Akiros had either drugged or enchanted her, varies depending on which witness you ask, and publicly denounced him as a rapist, spitting on him.

"Akiros says an immense anger was unleashed within him, and he struck her dead in a single sword blow cutting from the left shoulder to her heart. He turned on the husband and killed him with a sideways incision from the left, halfway through the head." A murmur runs though the crowd.

After a moment for quiet discussion Hegin continues, "Then he had to run away, overcome with grief, fear and purposelessness. He used an abandoned sewer exit, sometimes used to smuggle willing soldiers in, or unwilling ones out of town. He ran into the Estrovian Forest, thinking it will slow the horses, and began making his way around the Lake of Mists and Veils. Swimming across the Sellen River he thought they would stop pursuing him and wandered around for an unspecified amount of time, he claims was a few weeks, but was likely 2 years for his story to add up.

"He turned to banditry to survive and enjoyed unleashing his rage upon those that didn't comply. He ran into a group of 6 bandits - the very same the town heroes defeated and some of whom were recently punished by Restov - and gave away his armor and sword in return for his life, goods, and information on the Stag Lord. He made it to the fort and met up with the Stag Lord, finally finding a purpose. He rose quickly though the ranks to become second-in-command, but realised this life was even more hollow, and his feelings of purposelessness returned.

"His first act of redemption was to turn against his master when the town heroes came to slay the Stag Lord. He complied with being taken into custody and brought here. He has wept before me and my wife many times and certainly has strong feelings of remorse. That could be a further issue as such feelings may become overbearing… "

The soft sobs of a single priestess of Milani echo through the room as the other clergy think on what has been said.

After a good three minutes of silence, Hegin breaks it, "As for judgement, we were hoping to absolve him of his sins. However, my lady Anarrow, you are known to be quite a disciplinarian."

She frowns and nods at the sentiment, saying, "Because this is such a complicated and delicate issue, I have brought you all here. I must take in all possible points of view before deciding whether or not he may atone and if any punishment or recompense is required."

The priests of Abadar take the opportunity to flock to the dais and talk about their concerns with the First Sword Knight directly.

Out of Character: Priests here are mainly of Abadar, Pharasma, and Gorum, but a smattering of many religions are present. If you wish to roleplay your own discussions, go ahead. I will exclusively reserve the Abadarans and Iomedaeans, but can also play other faiths if you would prefer a back and forth (Instead of talking to yourself). The Iomedaeans are already impressed and Anarrow glances at you occasionally, but other faiths will require more rolls (Social combat probably doesn't fit unless you get into a serious argument).

2nd Jan, 2017 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 99

The Diplomat says...

Many emotions pass across the young woman's face, concern, surprise, shock, and finally some uncertainty. This was a most complex situation, one not easy to judge. What especially pained her was that Akiros' lover had denied their relationship, accusing him of drug or enchant her, to then rape her. This she felt certain was forced on her to say by her husband.

Kyra looks down, closing her eyes as she tried top calm herself from such explanation. Yet in mere seconds after she does a familiar form pressed against her legs. Kneeling she would gently embrace the feline.

After a brief moment, she stands before saying, "I can understand why there is so much discussion, as well why so many have been gathered. I am humbled to even be a part of this." Kyra knew that her words may not lead to the final decision but they could still make a difference.

"As a paladin, even if Akiros' love for the woman was true, it was still build on a deception and hiding the relationship from others. More, he allowed a women to break her promise of faithfulness to the man she married. It was only a matter of time that they would need to break it off, reveal their affair, or be confronted on it."

Honestly she wondered how Akiros was able to stay a paladin as long as he did, yet continued, "I can understand his anger, hearing the woman he loved deny their relationship and make such accusations against him, something I suspect forced by her husband… yet to then kill her, that is a most grave action indeed. For him to do this, and then flee to a life a banditry, redemption for this man would be difficult, even with remorse for what he has done."

Kyra does offer a serious expression, though those perceptive enough to see would notice her uncertainty, before saying, "Yet such is still possible. I offer that he be given the opportunity for atonement and make amends for his actions, though not have it be given immediately. Perhaps a probation period?"

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 2nd Jan, 2017 - 8:12pm

> TOPIC: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue


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