ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 101 of 105

Kyra paid for rooms which provided the meals - Page 101 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 16th Jan, 2017 - 7:42pm

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10th Jan, 2017 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 101

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"That's great!" Akiros responds as an honest smile crosses his face. "I've been trying to remember the code and have practised: I will learn the weight of my sword. Without my heart to-"

Anarrow cuts him short with a sharp wave of her hand, "Not as soon as you may have hoped. Hegin had prepared all the documentation to get you extradited. I am happy to tell you that will still happen. However, there are a few changes to what he has been planning."

Hegin gives you permission, "Kyra, go ahead. It was your idea."

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11th Jan, 2017 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

Kyra nods, her expression more seriius though there was a smile as well. She truly wished to see Akiros return to his path and find fulfillment in it.

Was the moment to take a deep breath, she says softly, "After learning of the complexities of the situation, my heart did go out to you. Yet I did understand the seriousness of the wrongs you committed." Kyra looked into the man's eyes, before continuing, "On it being explained to me, I offered that you be released from your imprisonment and be called to give service as punishment."

Going into more details the young chosen one says, "In time, after serving the community and it's people, proving you dedication and aliviating concern of you falling from grace again… atonement will be given to you and your oaths can be renewed." It may not be a easy road to redemption, but it was possible, and Kyra felt the reward greater in doing so.

Looking to those with her Kyra adds softly, hiding her nervousness as she looks to Aril, "Hegin advised that your service and probation be given to the very community that your time of banditry had most affected, to give back to and make restitution towards those you had taken from there."

11th Jan, 2017 - 3:22pm / Post ID: #
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Game Master says...

"So I am going to Freehold?" He looks at Hegin who nods. "Doesn't that make it an appropriate name for a new village.

"I understand that you want to wait and see how well I function given freedom. I know it can send some men mad. I had hoped that my recent actions and heartfelt apology would've been enough, but I can bend to this decision.

"I'd better get my belongings from the guards and tidy myself up before going. Can you give me a few minutes?"

Hegin clarifies, "Tomorrow morning."

"Oh, that works well for me. I'll get to say my goodbyes to the next two rostered guards. Say, what exact service did you have in mind and how long?" He looks at Kyra.

Out of Character: He will accept whatever answer you provide and to speed things along, you can RP the next morning and leave town if you want.

15th Jan, 2017 - 5:16am / Post ID: #
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Page 101 Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

The Diplomat says...

"Nothing exact has been decided yet," Kyra admits before consider and offering, "Perhaps lets see where aid is most needed in Freehold and I get a better understanding of the situation here."

There was still much she needed to learn of where she was, and she didn't know just yet where Akiros was most needed. Looking to her feline companion she turns to Hegin and Anarrow asking, "Does an exact service need to be decided at this time?"

"On how long, that is left to be seen," Kyra says, before smiling and saying, "But I won't leave you from renewing thy vows for longer then necessary to know you are ready."

She nods as plans were made to the journey to the town, and when the next day would come and go they would begin on their way.

Out of Character: My apologizes for taking so long to reply. Not certain how to have Kyra reply to the questions and other things on my mind.

15th Jan, 2017 - 9:30am / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Prologue Pathfinder Path Adventure Kingmaker ICon

Game Master says...

"We can decide on a service when we arrive," Hegin says. "It's wise to have a look at what the community needs first. I just thought that my idea was rather fitting. Though perhaps you would want to have more direct control over what he does and where he goes?"

Akiros groans at your answers, "Everyone's always so unsure. But if that's what has to be done to appease my goddess, so be it. I'll be ready in the morning. The guards will never let me have any items, so if you could bring a hooded robe along with my returned gear, I'd appreciate it. I can always groom myself on the road out of town."

The next morning is foggy but it soon lifts as the sun warms the chilly air. Akiros comes out in a clean, cream robe from Hegin's chapel, hood pulled low to obscure his face. The silver sword holy symbol holy symbol of Iomedae dangles from his neck and a rucksack rests on his shoulders. If the robe wasn't so clean, he'd look just like a travelling missionary.

Akiros proceeds on foot and Hegin hires a pony for himself, while two guards following you on foot. Once you're escorted out of the gate, the three of you (And Aril) are on your own. Travelling along the westerly road is pleasant, the Shrike River runs parallel to the road with fishermen sitting along the bank and across it a herd of mastodons take a drink. You pass by a road gang paving some potholes and towards the end of the day an immense black bird flying in the distance to the south.

In the afternoon you walk into the village of Nivakta's Crossing, located by a bridge over the river and another road south. The villagers either stare or bow, some briskly walk away.

The inn is easy to find, right in the centre by the T-intersection. It is a rather cheap place, wooden benches and tables, a fireplace and a bar. The dining room is also the common room for sleeping and only 2 private rooms are available, beside the innkeeper's residence. Both are available for 2 gp, otherwise it's 2 sp for the common room.

Akiros also requests a razor or full grooming kit if one can be found.

15th Jan, 2017 - 6:59pm / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue

The Diplomat says...

"Yours was fitting, and we can still put such to use," Kyra assured the priest and Akiros, offering a smile before offering, "I just felt consideration of what the community most needed could be learned first." More, even simply having the man there to protect the town just in case danger appears could allow more than enough opportunity to prove himself.

The young paladin acquired the cloak as had been requested and they went on their way. On arriving at Nivakta's Crossing and finding an inn they would prepare for some rest. On the cost of the rooms Kyra says, "I can pay for the rooms, as to our meal."

To Akiros' request for a razor or grooming kit she offers, "I have such a kit to spare and we can get another in the morning. It should still have the razor with it." Given how sharp the blade was, she had kept it just in cast it was needed later.

Akil walked up to the chosen one, brushing against her legs causing Kyra to ask him, "Yes?"

"Do not get to comfortable, we have yet to meet those you are supposed to," He says to her, Akil thinking on what lies ahead. Again though, all the others heard was meows and other such sounds.

"Well we are going in the right direction right," Myra asks, considering though she already knew that doing what she was now important. That and he trusted in her Goddess, that she would show the path. She too could not be understood, given she was speaking with her familiar.

"Yes," can the reply, as Kyra gets the car something to eat as they discuss, before Akil adds, "Though that will come in time. Focus on the task and hand but remember there is more to come."

Out of Character: Freehold is where Kyra will meet the others right?

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 15th Jan, 2017 - 7:27pm

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16th Jan, 2017 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue - Page 101

Game Master says...

"Potatoes, turnips, peas, and cabbage are available," The innkeeper replies. "I can also prep anything you caught during the day. Since you're buying a room, it comes with a meal and beer."

Akiros is glad you trust him with such. He trims his beard and neatens it to be short and smart. He thoroughly cleans himself taking the rest of the afternoon.

There's no meat to feed Aril, but he seems content being let out and chasing the village's rats and mice.

The next morning is cloudy and cold, but you travel a further 20 miles without a hitch.

Fort Serenko is located where the road heads northwest and the river splits off heading southwest around the mountains to the south. The skeleton crew of soldiers let you in and give you a place to stay inside the barracks. The men give Kyra approving or longing looks but are disciplined enough to mention nothing

The captain, Sergeant Nevak, helps you plan your next week of travel. He suggests that rather than following the road up to Oleg's and turning south, instead you could follow the Shrike river, cross the Thorn River at a ford and reach Freehold.

Out of Character: Yes, Freehold is the new kingdom's capital. Lot of spelling mistakes in the previous post, are you back on your phone?

You can use the map to plan your trip, The black dot in the east is Restov, and the two black dots west are the places you've stayed.

Reconcile Edited: iCon on 16th Jan, 2017 - 2:22pm

16th Jan, 2017 - 7:42pm / Post ID: #
OathB Chosen One lvl 6
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ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 101

The Diplomat says...

Kyra paid for rooms which provided the meals and beer. She nodded at Akiros' thanks, smiling as he went to go about getting properly groomed. She smiled at Akil, as while the feline did not need to eat she still offered it at times. Still, she allowed her familiar to do go search for rats and mice.

The next day they headed out and on stopping at Fort Serenko. The young woman tries to ignore the stares of the men, glad to see them not approach her. Thankful for this, she listened to Sergeant Nevak and considered the options provided.

Kyra says, "Keeping to the river may be safer, as the road may have bandits in wait, though the travel might also take longer." She looked to Hegin, seeking his advice on the issue and in what to do even looking to see if Akiros had anything to offer.

Out of Character: Yes, my apologies. At the time I had only the phone to use and I did rush a bit more then I normally do. I will be more careful. The maps shown don't seem to say what everything is as far as I can tell, only two maps being shown.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jan, 2017 - 7:43pm

> TOPIC: ICon Kingmaker Adventure Path Pathfinder Prologue


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