Canabusis Rise of the RuneLords Pathfinder Role-playing Game Characters Approval thread.
Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game
The below Role-playing Game is CLOSED
This thread is intended for the use of creating a character and character approval.
The first step is to read the online informational references in the Rules, Setting, and Questions thread, they are important for you to be able to create a detailed background story and create your character.
Second step is to create a detailed background story for your intended character, then post it here for approval. Please make sure you give reason to be in Sandpoint, as that is where your adventure begins during the Swallowtail Festival. Example; You could have reason to be there if you are a bard for entertaining, If you choose a cleric then you could be there for the consecration of the temple, if you are a fighter you could be asked to provide additional security. Please be sure to include your motivation to accept companionship of the other party members. Also include your physical description, age, height, weight, etc.
UPDATE: The occurrence of the Swallowtail festival has past. During the event of the Swallowtail festival, a goblin invasion has occurred. If you would like to read up on the events leading up to the present in game then start on page 18. This will help in giving new players motivation to be in Sandpoint and making their background stories merge with present day events. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Not all of the information said in game will be character knowledge, please take this into consideration.
Please read through the pages of information and questions contained within this thread. I may post updated relevant information for in game setting and rules here. Also some questions may have already been answered within this thread.
After your background story has been approved your third step is to create the first details of your character. All characters will start out at level one. All core races are acceptable, with the prerequisite that they have reason to be accepted within the party. All classes are accepted.
Character Creation
-Race and Class, please choose a Race and Class that would allow for merging into a party.
-Alignment, please choose an alignment that will merge well with the party unless you can state your motivation for being in a party of a different alignment basis.
-Ability scores, Roll 4d6 and discard the lowest number. Record the resulting number and repeat the process until you have six ability scores. Use the ability scores totals in which ever ability you desire. Please be honest in your rolls totals. Ability scores are also outlined in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document under 'Getting Started'.
-Starting hit points are outlined in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document under 'Class'. You will start with the maximum hit die indicated and add your constitution modifier.
-Skills are also outlined under 'Class' in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference, please use all your indicated skill points including your favored class bonus.
-Feats are outlined in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document under 'Feats'. For
Reference to how many feats you may have look under 'Classes'.
-Traits are outlined in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document under 'New Rules' (Scroll down to 'Traits'). I would like everyone to choose one trait from Campaign (Which you may choose one from the Pathfinder's guide Rise of the RuneLords or one described in the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document).
I would like you to choose one trait from one of the following trait types: Race, Regional, and Religion (If it applies that you worship a deity).
I would like you to choose one trait from the Basic trait type, (Subcategories are; Combat, Faith, Magic, and Social.)
-Starting money is outlined under 'Class' within the Pathfinder Role-Playing Game Reference Document. After making your rolls and coming up with the total starting money choose your equipment and subtract the coin from the purchase of your equipment. What ever coin remaining is what you start the game with.
-Post your character for approval. If you need help in creating your character please do not hesitate to ask.
-After your character has been approved for play please copy your stats into the window provided. You can find this under 'My Controls' to update your personal profile page. You then seek 'Edit Profile Info' in the right hand column. Scroll down to find the stats window provided for Canabusis's Rise of the RuneLords Role-playing Game and paste your stats there. Scroll further down to find 'Amend my profile' to save the information. Character updates and new equipment will be edited there.
Congratulations on getting a game! I am excited to get started! Here is my character and backstory, let me know what you think.
Gorion Keldorn
Male Paladin
Lawful Good
Deity- Iomedae
Height- 6"2"
Weight- 195
Age- 20
Hair- Brown
Eyes- Green
[Strength].- 17 (15+2 racial bonus)/+3
[Dexterity]- 12/+1
Con- 14/+2
Int- 12/+1
[Wisdom]- 13/+1
[Charisma]- 15/+2
HP- 13 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30, With armor- 20
Initiative- +1
AC- 18
Touch- 11
Flat-Footed- 17
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 1
Will- 3
BAB- +1
CMB- +4
CMD- 15
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 1=1+0+0
Appraise/ 1=1+0+0
Bluff/ 2=2+0+0
Climb/ 3=3+0+0
*Craft/ 1=1+0+0
*Diplomacy/ 2=2+0+0
Disable Device/ 1=1+0+0
Disguise/ 2=2+0+0
Escape Artist/ 1=1+0+0
Fly/ 1=1+0+0
*Handle Animal/ 2=2+0+0
*Heal/ 5=1+1+3
Intimidate/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Arcana)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Nobility)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Planes)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Religion)/ 1=1+0+0
Linguistics/ 1=1+0+0
Perception/ 1=1+0+0
Perform/ 2=2+0+0
*Profession/ 1=1+0+0
*Ride/ 5=1+1+3
*Sense Motive/ 5=1+1+3
Sleight of Hand/ 1=1+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 5=1+1+3
Stealth/ 1=1+0+0
Survival/ 1=1+0+0
Swim/ 3=3+0+0
Use Magic Device/ 2=2+0+0
Languages Known: Common, Chelaxian, Elven
Power Attack
Special Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Cast Smite Evil 1/day
Cast Light 1/day (Chosen One Trait)
Chosen One
Divine Warrior
Big Game Hunter
Starting Money= 140gp
Masterwork Longsword/ 4 lbs. (Free with Chosen One trait)
Dagger/ 1 lbs.
Scale Mail/ 30 lbs.
Heavy Wooden Shield/ 10 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Soap/ 1 lbs.
3 torches/ 3 lbs.
3 Oil Flasks/ 3 lbs.
Healer's Kit/ 1 lbs.
Traveler Outfit/ 5 lbs.
Wooden Holy Symbol/ 0 lbs.
Total Weight= 75 lbs.
Light Load= 86 lbs.
Medium Load= 173 lbs.
Heavy Load= 260 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 260 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 520 lbs.
Drag/Push= 1300 lbs.
Remaining Money= 21gp 0sp 7cp
A century ago, the death of the Chelaxian god, Aroden, paved the way for the evil denizens of Hell to corrupt and control the morals and politics of the Chelaxians. Most families fell victim to the corruption, but a few sought refuge outside of the large cities and devoted themselves to new deities that stood for honor, law, and morality. The Keldorn family were among them, leaving Magnimar and settling Southeast on the banks of the Yondabakari River with a few other families. Here they devoted their lives to Iomedae, the warrior goddess. Over the past century, generation after generation of Keldorns have been instilled with the honor and virtue of Iomedae, while learning the art of being a divine warrior in her name. Gorion Keldorn is the finest among them, and upon hearing of a new cathedral being built in Sandpoint, has decided to travel there to pay homage to Iomedae, and spread her teachings.
Your character looks good, I was confused at first how you got Big Game Hunter under traits, but from how I worded it in character creation I can see how you came to think it as a trait. You will need to choose another trait.
Most Chelaxians speak Taldane, also known as Common It is unknown what language the native peoples of Cheliax spoke before Taldor founded its colony.
Also I would like you to be sure to put on your character sheet the damage die (1d8) next to your weapon and be sure to add the +1 for it being a masterwork weapon.
With your Chelaxian background you and your family would be at odds with the Shoanti tribes within the area of Varisia, not to mention your own Chelaxian peers whom worship devils and believe you and your family worship the wrong deity. Please be aware of this as it can affect the outcome when dealing with others, NPC's and possibly other players. Edited: Canabusis on 26th Sep, 2013 - 7:37am
Here is my ammended character sheet. I went with Outlander/Missionary for my third trait because I thought it to be the most appropriate. Even though I am not an outlander to Varisia, I am to Sandpoint, and travel there to spread my faith. I also added the notes to my sword that you asked for. Also, since my ability to cast light came from my diety via the Chosen One trait, is it considered a divine spell?
Gorion Keldorn
Male Paladin
Lawful Good
Deity- Iomedae
Height- 6"2"
Weight- 195
Age- 20
Hair- Brown
Eyes- Green
[Strength].- 17 (15+2 racial bonus)/+3
[Dexterity]- 12/+1
Con- 14/+2
Int- 12/+1
[Wisdom]- 13/+1
[Charisma]- 15/+2
HP- 13 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30, With armor- 20
Initiative- +1
AC- 18
Touch- 11
Flat-Footed- 17
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 1
Will- 3
BAB- +1
CMB- +4
CMD- 15
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 1=1+0+0
Appraise/ 1=1+0+0
Bluff/ 2=2+0+0
Climb/ 3=3+0+0
*Craft/ 1=1+0+0
*Diplomacy/ 2=2+0+0
Disable Device/ 1=1+0+0
Disguise/ 2=2+0+0
Escape Artist/ 1=1+0+0
Fly/ 1=1+0+0
*Handle Animal/ 2=2+0+0
*Heal/ 5=1+1+3
Intimidate/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Arcana)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Nobility)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Planes)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=1+0+1
Linguistics/ 1=1+0+0
Perception/ 1=1+0+0
Perform/ 2=2+0+0
*Profession/ 1=1+0+0
*Ride/ 5=1+1+3
*Sense Motive/ 5=1+1+3
Sleight of Hand/ 1=1+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 5=1+1+3
Stealth/ 1=1+0+0
Survival/ 1=1+0+0
Swim/ 3=3+0+0
Use Magic Device/ 2=2+0+0
Languages Known: Common, Chelaxian, Elven
Power Attack
Special Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Cast Smite Evil 1/day
Cast Light 1/day (Chosen One Trait)
Chosen One
Divine Warrior
Starting Money= 140gp
Masterwork Longsword/ 4 lbs. 1d8, +1attack
Dagger/ 1 lbs.
Scale Mail/ 30 lbs.
Heavy Wooden Shield/ 10 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Soap/ 1 lbs.
3 torches/ 3 lbs.
3 Oil Flasks/ 3 lbs.
Healer's Kit/ 1 lbs.
Traveler Outfit/ 5 lbs.
Wooden Holy Symbol/ 0 lbs.
Total Weight= 75 lbs.
Light Load= 86 lbs.
Medium Load= 173 lbs.
Heavy Load= 260 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 260 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 520 lbs.
Drag/Push= 1300 lbs.
Remaining Money= 21gp 0sp 7cp Edited: Trake on 26th Sep, 2013 - 1:08pm
Name : Resfrix
Age: 28
Race: Half Elf
Sex : Male
Hgt: 5" 11"
Wgt: 145 lbs
Al: Chaotic Good
Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Deity: Sarenrae Goddess of the sun
Experience: 0
ST: 13 +1
IN: 12 +1
WI: 17 +3
DX: 11
CON: 13 +1
[Charisma]: 11
Hit points: 10
Base attack bonus: 0
AC: 17/15/10
Armor: scale mail +5, +3, -4 30 lbs, heavy wooden shield +2 -2 10 lbs
Weapons: scimitar 1d4(S) 1d6(M) 18-20X2 critical 4lbs, heavy mace 1d6(S) 1d8(M) X2 critical 8lbs, light crossbow 1d6(S) 1d8(M) 19-20 X2 critical 4lbs, 20 bolts 2 lbs,
Equipment: back pack 2lbs, bedroll 5lbs, flint/steel, 100" rope 20 lbs, 2 water skins 8 lbs, 14 days rations 14 lbs, 5 sacks 3 lbs, holy symbol wood, 10 torches 10 lbs, Healers kit 1lb
Money: 5 gp 9 sp
Encumbrance: 121 lbs Strength 13 (0-50 light, 51-100 medium, 101-150 heavy)
Saving: Fort: +2 level +1 Con = 3 Ref: 0 level +0 [Dexterity] = 0 Will +2 level +3 [Wisdom] =5
Skills: 2+Int modifier/level : 3 total
Appraise: 0 +1 int = 1
Craft: 0 +1 int =1
Diplomacy: 1 +0 chr = 1
Heal: 1 +3 [Wisdom]= 4
Knowledge arcana: 0 +1 int= 1
Knowledge history: 0 +1 int = 1
Knowledge nobility: 0 +1 int = 1
Knowledge planes: 0 +1 int= 1
Knowledge religion: 0 +1 int =1
Linguistics: 0 +1 int= 1
Perception: 0 +2 half elf +3 wisdom ½ cross class = 2
Profession: 0 +3 [Wisdom] = 3
Sense Motive: 1 +3 [Wisdom] = 4
Spell craft: 0 =1 int = 1
Feats: Endurance, Skill focus
Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Simple weapons, Light armor, Medium armor, Shield (Not tower) and favored weapon of deity
Spell DC is 10 + spell level +wisdom modifier
Bonus spells per day 1st 1 2nd 1 3rd 1
Spells per day Special: Aura, Channel energy 1d6, domain, orisons
0 - 3; 1st 2+1; 2nd -0 ; 3rd - 0; 4th 0 : 5th - 0 ; 6th - 0 ; 7th - 0 ; 8th - 0 ; 9th - 0
Domains: Healing, Fire
Granted power of Fire domain: Fire bolt: As standard action can unleash a scorching bolt of divine fire from outstretched hand, target any foe within 30" for 1-6 damage +1 per every 2 levels of cleric can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + wisdom modifier.
Favored classes: Cleric and fighter
Half elf traits: Speed 30" base, Low light vision 2X humans in dim light, Skill focus feat at 1st level, immune to magic sleep effects, +2 bonus to enchantment spells and effects, +2 on perception skill checks, 2 favored classes at 1st level gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point when taking a level in those classes,
Back story: Resfrix was born to a human mother who gave him up to the church at the age of 10 after she was no longer able to care for him. Raised in the church of sarenrae he learned of her ways and took up studying her. He liked it so he decided to dedicate his life to her. He never knew his father or where he truly belonged. HE is in town after he left the temple to seek his own way. He has arrived here to see the new temple consecrated and to see if his help is needed anywhere else.
KNtoran, You need to let me know exactly where you came from. There is no indication in your back story about where you just traveled from. Also does your mother have a name, what was the reason or circumstances she may have had been in to no longer be able to care for you?
Also you need to go back over 'Traits' as instructed above. Not your half elf traits, Please follow the instructions and if you need help please let me know.
Also the second damage die shown for your weapons is the damage die needed for your weapons.
As you go back and fix those errors, I will continue to check the rest of your stats.
I really like your new choice in traits. Also I should have stated this earlier, but you should put your damage die next to any weapon you carry. (Dagger included)
I would urge you to use the search engine on the paizo site and look up 'chosen one traits', then when the definition appears click on the link 'spell like ability' to give you a more defined answer. It is not a spell in the sense that you need no components or words, but acts as one in the sense that it is subject to spell resistance and dispel magic.
I would also like to know how long you have been in Sandpoint, you can roll for it. When rolling Roll 1d12 for how many months you have already been there and a 1d4 for how many weeks. I need to know how familiar to Sandpoint you would be, and how friendly the towns folk would be towards you. Edited: Canabusis on 26th Sep, 2013 - 6:15pm
I added the damage to the dagger. From what I read on the paizo site, I gathered that the light ability is arcane and not divine, thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Also, I have been in Sandpoint for 3 weeks (1d4=3).
Gorion Keldorn
Male Paladin
Lawful Good
Deity- Iomedae
Height- 6"2"
Weight- 195
Age- 20
Hair- Brown
Eyes- Green
[Strength].- 17 (15+2 racial bonus)/+3
[Dexterity]- 12/+1
Con- 14/+2
Int- 12/+1
[Wisdom]- 13/+1
[Charisma]- 15/+2
HP- 13 (Used favored class bonus here)
Base Speed- 30, With armor- 20
Initiative- +1
AC- 18
Touch- 11
Flat-Footed- 17
Fortitude- 4
Reflex- 1
Will- 3
BAB- +1
CMB- +4
CMD- 15
*=Class Skill
Skill/Total Bonus=Ability Mod+Ranks+Misc Mod.:
Acrobatics/ 1=1+0+0
Appraise/ 1=1+0+0
Bluff/ 2=2+0+0
Climb/ 3=3+0+0
*Craft/ 1=1+0+0
*Diplomacy/ 2=2+0+0
Disable Device/ 1=1+0+0
Disguise/ 2=2+0+0
Escape Artist/ 1=1+0+0
Fly/ 1=1+0+0
*Handle Animal/ 2=2+0+0
*Heal/ 5=1+1+3
Intimidate/ 2=2+0+0
Knowledge(Arcana)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Dungeoneering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Engineering)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Geography)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(History)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Local)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Nature)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Nobility)/ 1=1+0+0
Knowledge(Planes)/ 1=1+0+0
*Knowledge(Religion)/ 2=1+0+1
Linguistics/ 1=1+0+0
Perception/ 1=1+0+0
Perform/ 2=2+0+0
*Profession/ 1=1+0+0
*Ride/ 5=1+1+3
*Sense Motive/ 5=1+1+3
Sleight of Hand/ 1=1+0+0
*Spellcraft/ 5=1+1+3
Stealth/ 1=1+0+0
Survival/ 1=1+0+0
Swim/ 3=3+0+0
Use Magic Device/ 2=2+0+0
Languages Known: Common, Chelaxian, Elven
Power Attack
Special Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Cast Smite Evil 1/day
Cast Light 1/day (Chosen One Trait)
Chosen One
Divine Warrior
Starting Money= 140gp
Masterwork Longsword/ 4 lbs. 1d8, +1attack
Dagger/ 1 lbs. 1d4
Scale Mail/ 30 lbs.
Heavy Wooden Shield/ 10 lbs.
Backpack/ 2 lbs.
Bedroll/ 5 lbs.
Blanket/ 3 lbs.
Flint and Steel/ 0 lbs.
7 days Rations/ 7 lbs.
Soap/ 1 lbs.
3 torches/ 3 lbs.
3 Oil Flasks/ 3 lbs.
Healer's Kit/ 1 lbs.
Traveler Outfit/ 5 lbs.
Wooden Holy Symbol/ 0 lbs.
Total Weight= 75 lbs.
Light Load= 86 lbs.
Medium Load= 173 lbs.
Heavy Load= 260 lbs.
Lift Over Head= 260 lbs.
Lift Off Ground= 520 lbs.
Drag/Push= 1300 lbs.
Remaining Money= 21gp 0sp 7cp Edited: Trake on 26th Sep, 2013 - 6:42pm
It is only when you cast a divine spell that effects melee weapons that that applies. So you would have to have divine spells that would effect a melee weapon. If you would like to change anything speak now before I approve your character.
Also being in the town for three weeks you would be pretty familiar with the layout of the town and some of it's people, I will give you more information tonight when I get off of work.