Drethen jumps in front of the creature and strikes it twice with his sword. That just seems to enrage the ogre even more. It swings the table at Drethen, narrowly missing him.
Davik's arrows fly harmlessly past the ogre's head as Hunter sneaks in with his enchanted sword and ends the monster's misery.
The room is a mess in the aftermath of the short fight with broken china and a broken table laying about the room. A quick search reveals the dead body of a young woman stuffed in the chimney of the fireplace in this room. It appears to be about the same size as the cloths found in the room.
"I am done with this place," says Davik "We need to get out. How do we get through that mist?"
Hunter looks at the body trying to make out her age, time of death, how she was killed etc. If possible he will move the body and have a look up the chimney assuming the fireplace is not alight.
The body appears to be that of a young woman in her early 20's. Based on what you can tell, it appears that she was bludgeoned to death, probably by something big, like and ogre, and then stuffed into the chimney to hide the body.
Hunter tries to find anything on the woman that would describe where she came from. He searches the room and the strange bed.
Out of Character: What about up the chimney?
"This place is very interesting. I have a feeling that we have to play this out and search every place and partake of things before we will be released form this. Think of it as a series of trials we need to over come so we can move on." Drethen looks at everyone. "Are we ready to continue?"
"I have no clue what to think. Royal Ogres, boxing matches, Cat like Humans lounging and deadly meals. This place is truly confusing hopefully we can find a way out of here."