"I am a little worried, though I am going to memorize and cast remove curse tomorrow and maybe use up a few charges of the staff of healing and use it's remove curse option also. I think I will be safe after that."
"Yes, it is better to be safe then risk the the chance," Gabriel says, glad that his friend had already planned out what he would so about the situation. WIth a nod, he says, "Well good night then, and stay safe." Hopefully it won't take hold of him during the night. Edited: Thomaslee on 30th Jun, 2017 - 6:19pm
The night passes uneventfully. Hunter does a search of the room that you're in, but finds nothing that would be overly suspicious or out of place.
At one point in the night you hear a scratching and scraping on the front door. Hunter writes it off as some swamp animal passing by.
As the sun breaks over the horizon (Which the party would be unaware of since there are no windows in this room), Sephora appears with some of her servants.
She presents to you a shining long sword which she says in the sword of Sylaire. The servants that accompany her bring food and beverages typical for breakfast.
"Here is the sword that we agreed to. Use it in health. Now, before you go, please join me for one last meal."
Perhaps too easy, Gabriel thinks though keeps quiet so as to not disrespect Sephora who had shown them nothing but hospitality. The paladin will also agree to a last meal, following the others.
Hunter claims to feel upset a bit and skips the meal but joins in any conversation while examining the sword and taking note of everything that is happening. He asks Sephora,
"Since you know everything within this area do you know where we should go next for the rest of items we seek?"
Those who participate in the meal suffer no ill effects. If anything, they feel refreshed and better situated to take on the challenges of the day ahead.
In response to Hunter's question, Sephora responds, "First, I'd have to know what additional items you seek. Second, they would probably have to be in my domain, otherwise I would be of little help."
"What led to this land making the use of magic illegal, has it always been that way or was there a time where magic was used freely," Gabriel asks the sorceress, considering Sephora as the paladin finished him meal and Hunter asked his questions.
Finally, Gabriel continues as he admitted, "We came from a mansion called Castle Ambar, a family of casters supposedly of great power, of which we were trapped… perhaps they have something to do with it?" He worried that too much had been said, but he felt that Sephora could be trusted.