Ardo starts muttering to himself again as he quickly grabs his rope and a heavy sack of loot and ties it into a knot, he then tries to use some of the thread that keeps the bag closed to tie one of the continual light coins on the outside and then tosses it into the water hoping the bag will sink down and Drethen can see it and they could pull him up.
Gabriel will work to prepare himself for the crossing, taking off his armour and bagging the loot that he himself as. It will take a few trips, as he will not want to carry too much across, but will try and get everything onto the other side. The paladin will always keep Fuascailt with him, just in case. Edited: Thomaslee on 20th Sep, 2017 - 8:26pm
Hunter shakes his head. He will use the hilt of his sword as something for the metal man to grab onto while keeping one hand on the doorway so he isn't pulled in as well.
Thanks to the quick thinking of Ardo and Hunter, Drethen is rescued from the water but not before a large shark swims by him trying to take a chunk out of his leg.
Thanks to the same armor that was going to drown him, he's able to avoid any damage from the sea creature.
Hunter says, "That mud is probably going to be quicksand like… should we retrace our steps or what do we do?"
Then he turns to Ardo with a frown… "Don't you have a flying broom?"
Once Drethen was rescued and they see the shark the paladin decides against going into the water. Gabriel looks to the others to see what they have to say in crossing or going another way. The suggestion of the broom was possible, yet it might not be able to carry them and what they carry.