Character Description
mess of blond hair sits atop wide, bespectacled face wearing stubble on the cheeks and chin to cover the occasional pimple. Caucasian skin and stout body imply immigrant parents from central Europe, and the slight accent confirms.
Character History
At glance:
Achiever in school
Civil Air Patrol cadet
Accepted to Miskatonic University but became complacent and grades fell
Medieval reenactment and gaming as hobbies
Character Magick / Spells / Powers
In every age there is some object or power that is beyond natural abilities. If Konrad Romijn possesses such abilities or objects it should be listed here.
Character Notes*
Keep anything here that you will like to remember without affecting other Character info.
Deity / Allegiance / Cult
Raised Catholic, staunch agnostic
Character Equipment
Mid-range laptop
Notebook and stationery
Wallet + keys (keyring torch)
Character Storage
Living at parents' house with everyday items
Small bank account
Pilot's License
Electronics kit
Gaming materials
Leather armour and chain shirt
Play sword, axe and shield
Game Master Notes*
Nice one ICon, your character is starting to take form, thank you for joining my game.
Last nag (warning): --
Personal Rival: ?
At some point in this Character's life a foe became known - the history behind this rival can be written here.
Character Stats
STR 13
INT 14 (Idea: 70)
CON 11
POW 9 (Luck: 45)
SIZ 13
SAN 45
EDU 14 (Know: 70)
Damage bonus +1D4
HP: 12
MP: 9
Male 23 yr old Student of Physics and Engineering
Occupational Skills (280-30):
Biology +15
Computer Use +50
Electrical Repair +25
Electronics +40
Language (German) +30
Library Use +20
Mechanical Repair +30
Physics +40
Hobby Skills (140+30):
Astronomy +10
Consume Alcohol +10
Dodge +10
History +10
Language (Chinese) +5
Occult +5
Listen +10
Navigate +20
Pilot (Light plane) +20
Spot +10 (Glasses)
Throw +10
Firearms (Rifle) +10
Sword +10
Axe +10
Shield +20