Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 34 of 149

Njall carefully places his rifle on the ground - Page 34 - Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Posted: 27th Dec, 2015 - 10:25am

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Post Date: 27th Dec, 2015 - 4:06am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 34

Silver over Wildcard comms, "I got an adult female, took a slug in her upper left shoulder. Odd thing is, it isn't bleeding. I have covered her to keep her warm and reduce shock. Please advise."

Silver flips the comms to receive only and continues to monitor and sooth the panicked and chaotic masses. "Citizens, please retake your seats or find a place to sit away from the mess. Please remain where you are, relax, and breath easy."

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27th Dec, 2015 - 4:09am / Post ID: #

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

The Referee relays...

Gaden squeezes off a round from his plasma rifle and a searing bluish white beam of plasma burns a whole in the mans upper right torso.

One of the guards in the food court approaches Silver with his weapon drawn on him "Get on the ground!" he commands "Show me your hands now!" The other guard is checking the bodies of the men who had been tailing Silver. Nahi is shouting in Silver's ear "Do as the guard says! We can get medical services to the woman, but don't provoke the guards. He's going to detain you for his safety and for the safety of everyone there, do not resist!"

Maiokus' ACR opens up on the men who fired on the crew, originally aiming toward the man behind the loader he sprays him with rounds and he tumbles to the ground. Maiokus then switches his attention to the man attempting to find cover behind the crate and the mans body is riddled with bullets, he falls to the ground dead. A moment later a dozen security guards swarm the area and surround the Wildcard shouting at everyone to put down their weapons and lie face down on the ground.

Out of Character: :
If you guys choose to resist and fight the security guards I will apply remaining attack and damage rolls to that.

Using auto on your weapon the attack roll is equal to a number of dice listed in the auto column on the weapon (In this case 6); the rules for auto fire are on pg. 62 of the core book (Not sure if listed in the SRD) and it states that you cannot benefit from skill higher than 1 (Even with a gun combat skill of 2 or 3 you only apply +1DM to your attack rolls when using auto fire. You provided the damage rolls but not the attack roll so I manually rolled 6d6 for you (4,6/5,5/5,5) you would add +1DM for your Dexterity and +1DM for skill so you end up with the following results: 12, 12, 12) all hits! Each hit gives 3d6 damage. 1 of the hits was enough to kill the one fighters after Gaden's hit so I applied the second and third hits to the other fighter which was enough to end him as well.

Post Date: 27th Dec, 2015 - 4:23am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG RPGs PBP Fiction Science

Silver knows his weapons are secure and not going to be easily located by security. Switching both comms to transmit as he lays down next to the woman, he says to the woman, "Be at ease ma'am. They haven't seen what happened to you. Show them no resistance and we should be able to get the aide you need."

Out of Character: : They certainly have more to fear from us than we do from them.

27th Dec, 2015 - 4:29am / Post ID: #
Rogue Pirate
Novice / Confused
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Page 34 RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

This is The Cynic, over...

In Character: : Maiokus remains behind cover, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He says into his throat mic, "Silvertongue we have a situation down here. We just wasted two hostiles who opened fire on us and now we have bloody security all over the place."

He checks his magazine and shouts "We were not the aggressors! We were not the aggressors!"

Post Date: 27th Dec, 2015 - 4:36am / Post ID: #

Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG
A Friend

RPG Main Traveller Aericsteeles

Loud enough to be heard over the comms, "Ma'am, I understand you are nervous and unsure of your safety. Security has to do it's job, in order for us to get back to our lives. Be patient and relax. Follow instructions and remain calm."

With that Silver turns his head from the woman and looks directly at the guard he spoke to earlier, "Officer, any chance that you believe me know?"

(Social +1; Persuade +2)

27th Dec, 2015 - 8:01am / Post ID: #
Baron Gaden Baenre
Retired Star Marine Ge...
Follower / Scout
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG

This is The Reaper of Ships, over...

In Character: Gaden walks over to Maiokus and says "Nice shooting! Maybe they have something on them that will tell us who they are working for. I search 'em and you give me a bit of cover. Put a few new holes in anything that pops up"

Out of Character: I'm going to try to stealth over and try to keep as much cover/concealment as I can.

Baron Gaden Baenre Results:
  • Stealth on D12 (+2): 11 (1 roll)

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27th Dec, 2015 - 10:03am / Post ID: #
Rogue Pirate
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG - Page 34

This is The Cynic, over...

In Character: : As Gaden turns to head towards the bodies of the assailants he Maiokus grabs him and says quietly but urgently "We're surrounded. Wait a moment see if We can diffuse this clusterfrack."

27th Dec, 2015 - 10:25am / Post ID: #
Njall Nail Lang
Novice / Confused
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Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG Science Fiction PBP RPGs - Page 34

Rebel over...

Njall carefully places his rifle on the ground to his side and lies down facing the nearest security guard.

"Security, heh?. Let the threat in, turn up late and make the situation dangerous again.

Lets get this over with as quickly as possible"

> TOPIC: Aericsteele's Traveller Main RPG


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