Adeline takes her place on the bridge and watches the others hastily gather their things and prepare for boarding. She fidgets nervously, taking deep breathes in an attempt to calm her nerves. The comms light up and a message comes over the radio, a gruff male voice begins:
Free Trader Wildcard; I'd rather we not play games. By now I'm sure you've noticed I'm not transmitting an IFF and I imagine that gives you a fairly good idea of my intent here. I can see that your ship is unarmed; if you haven't already noticed, my ship is armed, therefore I'm guessing that your plans are going to include trying to resist during boarding actions. I would advise against this. I don't want to see any of your crew hurt or killed. Please cut your engines so I can have a face to face with your captain. By the way, just in case you decide that sending out a distress signal would be good idea… I can assure you it's not. I pick up any distress signals and I'm going tear your ship apart. Understood?
Adeline gives Ajit a nervous look and then nods for him to open the channel, "This is the Wildcard… I'm not sure what you're hoping to gain through this action. We have no cargo, just a few passengers. This isn't likely to be a very profitable venture for you" she says.
Fair enough, but I'm sure your crew and your passengers have some valuables and equipment worth having. Plus that ship would made a nice prize if nothing else. We could use a ship with more cargo space I think. I'll give you two minutes to cut your engines before I cut them for you.
Adeline looks to Ajit and to anyone else still on the bridge and shrugs her shoulders giving a non-verbal "Now what?"
As the transmission starts to come through from the approaching ship, Ajit sees that the comms had been modified to broadcast through the crew's communicators as well. He flipped the switch to allow the others to hear what was going on, as the audio continued to broadcast in the bridge. At Adeline's signal, Ajit opened the comms channel for her to broadcast back. After the final threat from the S-class ship, Ajit closes the link, so the crew can talk about their options. He starts by shrugging back at Adeline, then he starts his neural comms to contact Marq, "Marq, did you get all that? What are your recommendations? If they are expecting resistance, it may be best to somehow lay a trap for them. We don't have much time though." Ajit returns to monitoring the position of the foreign vessel, so they don't get blindsided while they discuss.
Edited: Alchyrogue on 9th May, 2016 - 3:51pm
Njall stands by his station, putting on the armour Doc Shuth brought from his room.
"Don't see much point in me being on the bridge once the drives are out. Couldn't outrun 'em anyway. Unless we're letting them onto the bridge before springing the trap I'm more use with the rest."
"Well Gaden, are you ready to live the thrill?", says Krakrefr with a smile, remembering his marine days where he got in a drop pod and shooted down a planet. The Vargr has just returned from his cabin and holds his Vacc Suit, his LasCAR and a sling-backpack. He dons the Vacc Suit and sees at Gaden and Silver. "May I suggest a course of action? You let them board, while me and Gaden fly to their ship and give a good cleanup on their windshield with this?" and he shows the cube of the plastic explosive.
Out of character:I suppose that I kept the TDX block from Ruie? Since we had the area secured and cleared. I am not planning on using it now, just to know my inventory.
Maiokus stands ready, looking at the counter-boarding party. He checks his weapons and equipment, making sure he's locked and loaded. "Alright, lets do this. What do you think Gaden?"
Krakrefr steps inside the airlock at the back of the ship, next to the engines. He checks his equipment and his Vacc-suit one last time. He is heard from the personal comms, with engines' humm in the background. "Well, is anyone coming with me or I will take their bridge alone?"
In Character: "I think our best course of action may be splitting up. One group with Silver can try to stall the boarding party for as long was we can without giving up the bridge, the other can try to sneak aboard the enemy ship and try to take their bridge or at least disable their ship. The only other option would be to face the boarding party head on, stopping them at the fatal funnel. Either way we have to make a decision soon. Things are about to heat up soon."