Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 6 of 12

So the Yeomen as. Sergeant works well. Being - Page 6 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 31st Dec, 2015 - 12:05am

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Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 3:16pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 6

I am going to be submitting several rolls. Details to follow.

So Circumstances of Birth (Circumenstance on D100 (+0): 74 (1 roll)) has me being Adopted (By someone in my race). What does that do for my. siblings? Are they adopted as well?

Birth Parents Profession (Parental Profession on D100 (+0): 60 (1 roll)). My birth parents were Tradespeople, which gives. good direction for why. am an Artificer, my parents were ones before me. Adopted Parent Profession Roll should prove insightful.

What kind of Childhood Events? (Childhood Event on D100 (+0): 29 (1 roll)). Great. I died but. came back. My parents are dead dead dead, and. only died once.

As to my class, Artificers are ([In my humble opinion]) like. mix of an Oracle and. Sorcerer, as they combine both arcane and divine capabilities.

Arthos, your ruling on class details please.

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30th Dec, 2015 - 3:30pm / Post ID: #
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Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

the raging madman says...

Ok, since we already did the childhood ones I'll do the rest. They'll be labeled.

Bjorgson Results:
  • Barbarian background on D100 (+0): 94 (1 roll)
  • Influential associate on D100 (+0): 79 (1 roll)
  • Conflict on D20 (+0): 19 (1 roll)
  • Conflict subject on D20 (+0): 7 (1 roll)
  • Conflict motivation on D10 (+0): 1 (1 roll)
  • Drawback on D100 (+0): 36 (1 roll)

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 4:16pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

My Adopted Parents Profession does not make sense with my Birth Origin and Birth Parents. Adopted Parents were Plains dwellers and Birth Origin is. city and Birth Parents were Tradespeople.

Might. call for Dungeon Master intervention/ruling?

**Waiting on Class Background (Dungeon Master Ruling)

Influential Associates (Influential Associates on D100 (+0): 26 (1 roll)) - The Lover. You had. romantic connection in your adolescent years, and this person deeply influenced your personality. Perhaps this was. first love, a casual partner you grew close to, or the one who got away. The experience bolstered your confidence in romantic interactions even though you often find your thoughts still straying toward that special someone from so long ago. You gain access to the Charming social trait and the True Love story feat. Roll. d12 instead of. d20 on Table: Romantic Relationships.

Rolls for Conflicts

**Holding on the Resolution of Conflict

**Holding on Deity and Religious Views until class determination by Dungeon Master.

Rolls for Romantic Relationships

**Holding on Associations with Fellow Adventures

If my birth parents died and. did as well, then an Artifact created by the family would have preserved my life, So while. experienced death, I was also the sole benefactor of the device.

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 8:56pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Page 6 Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

6 Negligence You caused someone else to suffer by your own inaction, disregard, or excessive recklessness. 2CP

Conflict Subject:
2 Merchant

Conflict Motivation:
5 Family 3CP

Mixed Feelings (0 cp) Sometimes you regret the conflict, but other times you feel as if you didn' have choice in the matter or that you made the right decision. Most of the time, you just avoid thinking about the conflict. Only you and maybe select few people know of your involvement.

Deity and Religious Philosophy:
Yet to be determined.

Being Rolled.

Been considering going Gunslinger or Alchemist, just keep the character generation rolling. Artificer is. 3pp just like the Runecaster, and not all the information is available.

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Campaign Pathfinder Arthos

Whatever makes you feel comfortable. In regards to character like class rolls if your making. class that isn't in there then yes, please use the most logical one. Such as. mesmerist I'd place as oracle or even sorcerer. Artificer is straight wizards through and through with more tech than magic. Does this help you Malcom? Whatever you are use that drawback to your advantage (Laugh)! Man, it will be interesting to see. vein mage flaunting his power and reputation around.

In regards to the adoptive parents before. forget you only roll the professions, not where they came from and all of that. All of that just comes into flavor text. It's the rolls that create the foundation for the character, it's you who supplies the mortar that holds it together so to speak.

I think that we now have two people done, Malcom will be done shortly when he figures out the rest. All we need is KNtoran to finish his childhood, class, and other random things along with the drawback and I'll organize the rest. After that just write out the bio with what you got, along with your completed character and lets get this show on the road!

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 10:17pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation

Arthos, the roll put my adoptive parents' professions as Yeomen, with the Savanna Child regional trait. That regional trait wouldn't afford me the chance to study magic in any form, to my understanding. They seem almost nomadic by my understanding.

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Post Date: 30th Dec, 2015 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation - Page 6

True, unless you made it so you could study. But this is the definition of Yeomen (Which is the plure version of Yeoman

ˈyōmən/Submit noun
1. Historical. man holding and cultivating. small landed estate; a freeholder.
2. Historical. servant in. royal or noble household, ranking between. sergeant and. groom or. squire and. page.

So there is. possibility? Not sure why you have savanna child regional trait though. That is strange as hell. You don't need to take that trait if you don't want to though. I just know people complained before when. said you could get 2, or. if you took. draw back. It's per the rules but since it's more interesting to see these traits really define you. allowed all of them. If it doesn't fit, don't use it.

Post Date: 31st Dec, 2015 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 6

So the Yeomen as. Sergeant works well. Being an elf in. city is going to be tough. Nerd to figure out how he stayed away from the internment camps.

> TOPIC: Arthos' Pathfinder Campaign Character Creation


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