Lawrance pipes up into the discussion. "Velon, You are right about not needed to smash the vessel, and I am sure that with a bit of manual labour we can remove a panel and let her go free. We will need to have a viable containment for our uses, when we are ready to launch our bastion of Blaze into the sky again!"
Spending some time with Poppo and the Queen, Lawrance and gang study the disassembly of the tube, opening it up. "Queen of the Cloud Giants, are there any messages or items you wish to send to your kin, or anything you wish us to do for you, before you cross over?"
Out of Character: : Do we want an official ceremony of departure for this?
"By the way Lawrance, did you mention 'Chromatic Blaze'? I do like that; very appropriate! We should suggest it to Cratol, Lia, Poljen and the rest!"
"Great Queen, we thank you so much for all of your help and patience. We are pleased to free you as you wished, but wish we could have had the chance to get to know you and your kin. May you all be together again very soon. In parting, is there anything else we should know about this castle such that we may use it against these evil cults, if you would permit us?"
Tazskan, thanks the Queen of the cloud Giants for her patience in all of this. Bids, her farewell and safe journey. Before he rests, again with the others.
Nikolaos volunteers to guard the dragon's den, feeling duty bound to find the sundial. While he is unable to do anything about the ice, he will be able to cast detect magic as a ritual to help find the good stuff.
Poljen will also bid Esclarotta farewell in Giant. "We shall keep the dragon cult, and other giants from this fortress, Your Majesty. But are there any of your kind that you think might be willing to aid us in stopping this cult that wishes to bring Tiamat back to our world? The help of your giant kin would be a great boon?"
Cratol will walk with Arvan and nod his head at what he tells of him. "Heading into danger is something I may still yet do. I will think of the possible successor over the next few days unless there is the potential noble lady that would wish to make my acquaintance. I do have some ideas though on al of this and will listen to what you have to say and learn more about taking over here in a few years. Has Baron Cale been buried as with our traditions yet?"
The queen simply states, "There may be more secrets, but I am afraid that in life I left most of the workings of this place to others."
"As to recruiting Jotun to the cause of opposing this cult, it should be possible, but I would not expect success. My kind greatly prefer to remain isolated. If you wish to try, seek out the steading on the peak of the mountain rising from Lake Woe to the north. The stormkin living there can call upon representatives of the Jotun."
Between Detect Magic and the compass, Nikolaos is able to discern the location of the sundial. It takes about an hour of concentrated effort, but he is able to retrieve the artifact from the ice.
Arvan states, "A political marriage is something that could be arranged. At present there are no offers, but that is largely because you are a mystery to the local families."
"The Baron has not yet had his funeral, we were waiting on others, including yourself, to be informed. We have had trouble contacting you of late, though given the nature of your arrival, I believe I can guess why."