Poljen suddenly feels something settle upon his mind, and his muscles lock up. He struggles to break free of the effect, but to no avail.
Out of Character: : Unless somehow the naga breaks concentration Poljen will not be able to act this round. At least one of the abominations is already down, which will reduce the number of attacks on him, I guess. Unless that remaining abomination drops before it attacks, it gets advantage, and its hits will be critical, I think. At least I get to keep the rage up, and reduce the damage.
Annoyed to see another spell shrugged off by his foe, Nikolaos plays a song on his Lute and touches Popo in an attempt to revive him.
Specific Action: casting protection from poison from his Lute
Out of Character: hopefully his spells will be more effective than mine.
Mari continues to attack the abomination with great determination.
Lia shakes her head in concern as her arrow misses the mark. Seeing Poljen magically bound, she knows her shot needs to count. Gesturing towards Poljen with her amuket flashing, healing energies sooth hos would. The wood elf then targets the naga, loosing the magically enhanced arrow.
Specific Action: She cast Healing Word level 2 on Poljen as a bonus action. Her action was to shoot at the Naga with her bow. Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Mar, 2018 - 2:21am
Perry sees the abomination go down and Poljen become paralyzed by the naga. He gives the naga a spiteful glare and repeats the same curse from before. Two more purple beams fly, this time straight towards the naga. He then moves further behind the statues for cover.
Specific Action: Bonus Action to move Hex to the naga giving it disadvantage on Strength checks. Action to fire two more beams of Eldritch Blast. Moving 10 feet to Z63 on the map.
Out of Character: Trying to break this naga's concentration on Hold Person with multiple hits. Hopefully Cratol and I can break it together before the naga attacks Poljen while he's paralyzed.
Tazskan, briefly comes out from behind the corner. Extends his hand towards the Naga, while clutching his pact keeper rod, in other.
Sends out two agonizing eldritch blasts towards the creature, then ducks back behind the corner. Still, feeling some pain from the lightning burn.
Specific Action: Tazskan, pops out briefly from behind AA71. Moves to get clear line of sight between Lawrence and Lia, at AA70. Casts EB at the Naga, then retreats back to AA71. I'm assuming that because he didn't receive fresh damage, from last round the concentration check isn't needed.
Velon dodges the tail strike of the naga with a grin but feels lucky to have done so. "Yikes, doubt I can dodge that forever!" he thinks. He circles the monster, unnerved by the seemingly unnatural movement of the serpent, looking for the right moment to strike again. When the opportunity is there, Velon strikes out at the naga as hard as he can to try to kill it before he is swiftly dispatched like his friend Poppo.
Out of Character: . Circling the naga looking to flank with Cratol. Attacking with booming blade, hasted strike, and quickened booming blade attack. Level 1 smite on any normal hit, level 2 smite on any critical.
Poljen struggles under the weight of the spell on him as his companions move to help. Cratol shifts to strike at the naga, as does Perry in his own way.
The naga hisses in frustration as her stinger skips off of Velon's shield. It unleashes another spell, and Velon's shadow begin's to swell, forming into a fuzzy black reflection of the paladin, complete with gear.
Nikolaos nullifies the poison coursing through Poppo, ending his tormented dreams. He wakes to find himself lying on the ground near his attacker.
Zarra misses with her bow, Lia does the same, as does her compatriot with her shortsword.
Tazskan and Lawrance have more luck, striking with multiple bolts of force. The naga's concentration on holding Poljen still does not hold, and the barbarian revives just in time to avoid two of three strikes from the last abomination.
Velon strikes at the Naga with three harsh blows, causing her to shriek in pain. Velon's shadow in turn raises its blade and attacks him. The shadowy longsword has no trouble sinking through Velon's chest, ignoring his armor along the way, but it does not seem to be nearly as devastating as such a blow from a real weapon would normally be.
Out of Character: Poljen takes 12 damage, reduced to 6, Velon takes 14 necrotic damage. All characters are currently free to act.