Cratol winces as he is hit in the back. "Great now I have something else to worry about" he thinks to himself as he dodges the stinger. HE hears the crackle of lightning and tries to move out of its way. HE will attack the Naga again using another Ki point.
"I have to go back now. But I'm sure we will see each other again."
"Goodbye my friend."
Nikolaos gasps as his eyes open. Rising to his feet he turns to the great Naga and blasts her with radiant light.
Specific Action: try to move to a spot to gain advantage. (Not sure which she will be facing by my turn). Then casting guiding bolt with level 2 slot.
Out of Character: only one spell slot left, fortunately it's a big one. Edited: Kingowlbear on 18th Mar, 2018 - 2:44pm
Lia rolls to the side as lightning flashes at her. She feels some pain from it but not as much as she expected. Gathering herself, she holds her holy amulet aloft and calls upin Sune for healing. Her amulet flashes brightly and suddenly several party members feel the worst of their aches disappearing. Spinning around and grasping her bow she looses another arrow towards the Naga.
Mari continues trying to harry the Naga and then strike deeply with both blades.
Specific Action: Lia cast Mass Healing Word as a bonus action upon Poljen, Niko, Cratol, Velon, Poppo and herself. Each of them will receive the amount of hit points that I have rolled for here. She then uses her action to shoot her bow at the Naga. Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Mar, 2018 - 2:45pm
As the darkness lifts Velon is relieved to look over his shoulder and not see the animated shadow any longer. The naga is still there, of course, cold and slithering in a way that sends shivers up Velon's spine. The naga has taken a significant beating thus far, and Velon hopes it will fall soon.
Out of Character: . Booming blade and hasted attacks, flanking with Cratol.
Oh man I wish we had gotten another scene with the beaver!
PS I don't think familiars can attack. Edited: Cinder on 18th Mar, 2018 - 3:54pm
"Welcome back to the side of the good, Poljen! Time to put your blade into the body its supposed to go into,hmm?" Lawrence casually launches another series of tiny, sparkling daggers into the Naga's tattered flesh, hoping the thing has nothing magical remaining to do. Once again he sends Gamliel in to attack and add even his distraction to the battle
Specific Action: magic missile and familiar attack. Familiar does a Help action to any single attacker who isn't already getting an assist.
Out of Character: that's disappointing that a familiar can't even do a basic attack. Limited use in 5e. Dai, still looking for that evolved familiar. Edited: Gknightbc on 18th Mar, 2018 - 10:09pm
To Poljen, it feels as if a fog has been lifted from his mind. The Battle Madness still roils his mind and body, but the clear thinking that usually comes in that state had been clouded entirely. Now his mind is once more seeing things in the sharp light that fighting gives him. He remembers everything. Struggling against the creature's will, succeeding, then losing to it in a second round. He feels a moment of revulsion and shame at his attacks on Niko and Lawrance, which quickly turn to anger. He glares at the naga and bellows, "You will pay dearly for such treachery, fiend!" Roaring louder than any of the Blaze have ever heard him, he charges straight into the naga, axe intent on cleaving the beast into as many pieces as possible.
Out of Character: : Move to U-70, just to make sure Mari also gets flanking advantage if she does not have it yet, since Velon and Cratol are set for each other. Then basic Reckless Attacks as usual… and I still have the Inspiration Die from Perry to add if needed, right? By the way, that 8 Force Damage was from Perry's bolt, right? If so, I already logged it in my character sheet. If this is something different, let me know.
Perry watches as his bolt seems to have had its intended effect of snapping Poljen out of his madness. Well… out of one form of madness anyway. He hears him yell very angrily at the naga and winces a bit in response, “Ah yup, he’s back.”
Perry then continues firing at the naga.
Specific Action: Eldritch blast again, as is tradition.
Out of Character: I too am mourning the loss of a potential follow-up beaver encounter.
Tazskan, having been frustrated that he missed the last round. But, shocked to have hit another team mate. His shock rapidly fades, having seen the darkness lift, from the Naga.
He sends his psuedodragon in to add distraction, by attacking from behind and above. With bite and claw attack.
"Go with all your strength and might, you are a true friend," Tazskan sensing his arrival, tears welling up, inwardly prepared for the worst. As he just realized he is sending a trusted companion into a very difficult situation.
Then, attacks with two green agonizing eldritch beams, at the Naga. As before, clutching the pact keeper rod acquiring extra potency. The hex as before targeting Naga's constitution.
Afterwards he then makes an expeditious retreat to the opposite side, behind cover.
Specific Action: From position Z70 commence attack. Calling his psuedodragon, Amabalis telepathically, to make one attack from R68, bite, then retreat to L63. With objective to temporary distract Naga. Then, sending two agonizing eldritch beams into the Naga.
Characters in melee, will have advantage on any saving throws, particularly on Naga magic, effecting their sight, hearing or perception. So if map is correct that includes, Velon, Mara, Cratol.
Tazskan will then make a expeditious retreat as a bonus action to Z64.
Out of Character: The psudodragon can actually deal a maximum of 1D4+2 damage. Since both Naga and Psuedodragon carry poison, therefore both immune. So effect is nullified. Edited: anronrosby on 19th Mar, 2018 - 2:02am