Lawrance offers "I'd like to opportunity to scout out the cave, once found. It'd be a lot safer if I could send in my visionary spell and find the mask, perhaps even be able to shortcut that part and retrieve it without a battle. Once we get within, say, 500 feet? "
"Absolutely, Lawrance. I'm all for that. I, for one, would love for us to grab the mask and live to fight another day. Unfortunately, if we keep things up as we have been, one of us will likely fall as our enemy is very powerful. Let it not be today."
Poljen says to Perry, "Keep that magic goblet that prevents poison handy. When we get close several of us should drink down."
To Lawrence he says, "When we get within the sounds of that waterfall, try using that magic eye you spoke of. Hopefully you can find the beast's lair."
He listens as Velon lays out orders. He nods, but frowns. When the leader of the Silver Blaze compliments him he nods, but says, "They are fearsome creatures. And even I sometimes have trouble steeling myself to engage the monsters. But I shall do my best to keep the creature from getting to anyone else. And if someone finds the mask, I think having one person designated to run with it is good. But we should take advantage of the opportunity and do our best to kill it. Any blow to the cult is worth the effort, and the elves and others that live in this area would be appreciative."
To Lia he says, "What have you to aid me, Lovely Lia?"
Finally to Morgaine he says, "If it appears the beast is going to attempt to fly away, I might call for that scimitar to be returned. Because then I can jump on its bank, and have one hand free to strike it, while the other clings to it. But unless that unlikely scenario arises, I hope it will serve you well!" He gives the raven-haired fighter a wink.
Velon listens to Poljen regarding the dragon and the mask, and then glances at Lia when the Snow Leopard mentions the people of this land. "Indeed, we should rid the world of this foul monster if possible. As Poljen advises, if all seems lost, one should consider fleeing with the mask. It is more important to the cause than any one of us." He looks to Lia and Perry once again. "Fly away with it, if you must. I will teleport with it if there are no other options. I hope no such tough choices have to be made today."
Velon focuses back in the direction they are going and says aloud to no one in particular "I just hope its here."
Morgaine will give Poljen another rare smile and say,
" I shall return it to you if the need be; until such a time, I believe it shall serve me well."
She places a gloved hand on the handle of the scimitar remembering when she swung it around in the air judging the weight of it and how well it felt.
Out of Character: Morgaine has the following on: Necklace of Adaption: While wearing this necklace, you breathe normally in any Environment and your have advantage on Saving Throws made against harmful gases and vapors(Such as Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud effects, inhaled poisons and breath weapons of Dragons.
Cloak or Protection.
"There, can be no doubt Velon this will be a formidable foe for us," Tazskan says.
"But, not all of us are suited for melee combat either," he adds.
"If we approach on foot, then I will concentrate on ranged attacks, and staying clear of the dragon," he adds.
"But, if you have another plan lets hear it then," he says. Edited: anronrosby on 30th May, 2018 - 12:28am
Lia nods grimly at Velon." We will win the day yet again. Killing drakes is our specialty. If we can surprise, there is no doubt of our success. Perry should be the one to flee with the mask. I have the ability through Sune to bring people back from darkness. I will not turn tail and abandon anyone here to the afterlife."
She walks to Poljen and says, "I have a spell that sets a potent ward upon you. The first time death approaches you will shake it off. After the spell is consumed. You could fall off of a great height and this ward would keep you alive. Barely, but still. I will cast it upon you when we get closer."
Out of Character: : She plans on casting death ward upon him. It lasts for one hour and doesn't require concentration. The first time he is hit and reduced to zero hit points he will still be standing with 1 hit point. Also any attack that will kill him outright without causing actual damage fails automatically. The spell is done when either of these things happen. Edited: Kyrroeth on 30th May, 2018 - 2:30am