Tazskan, also seeks out nearest shrubbery, trees, to hide in with the main group on the ground.
His glammered leather, giving the illusion of a more camouflaged greenish appearance.
Placing, himself behind the melee, and scouting members. To afford a better position for a ranged, covering, attack if required.
Soon enough orders have been issued, and the group descends to the ground while the castle slowly drifts into place above the camp, one cloud among many.
Soon enough, people are watching a patrol approach. Just like the others, eight men, four afoot, four on horse. They all appear to be bearing light but serviceable armaments. One of the horsemen has a signal horn at his waist. He seems to be directing the others. Edited: daishain on 12th Sep, 2018 - 9:54pm
Cratol whispers to the others. "Taking out the horn bearer should be priority so they can not summon others. Taking out the others on horse back should be second while those on foot should be last priority. If the wizards use hold person on the higher targets we can over come this patrol with ease I hope."
Out of Character: : I may be taking liberties here. If so, I can rewrite things.
In Character: :
Poljen nods in agreement when signals indicating the horseman with the horn should be targeted. He waits until the man is within his range, then charges out of the brush, rushing straight for the man with the horn. He knows that several of the others will get to attack him, but it should keep all attention on him, so the others can attack at will.
Out of Character: : Bonus to Rage, then run for the man with the horn. Attacks of Opportunity against him suffer Disadvantage, but negated by Reckless. He will then unleash his attacks against the man with the horn, unless someone manages to finish him off first. Initiative rolls can be a funny thing… if Horn Guy is down, attack the closest target, prioritizing horsemen over footmen. Edited: PaulNelson on 13th Sep, 2018 - 3:10am
Tucked around a tree bole as much as possible, Lawrance watches as Poljen charges. Unsure of how tough these patrollers are, Lawrance reserves his major magic for known leaders and fires a bevy of magic missiles from his wand at one of the last horsemen in line.
Seeing Poljen attacking the leader Cratol springs into action to attack the leader of the patrol along with Poljen to keep him from sounding an alarm. If the leader of the patrol goes down he will attack the next one on a horse.
Out of Character: using a Ki point for more attacks He will also spend a Ki point to stun the leader DC save vs constitution DC of 15.
Morgaine, hearing that the horseman with the horn is the first target; She takes aim with her bow from her hidden place and lets the arrow fly, aiming for the torso. If he is down before then she will take out the nest one closest to her.
Mari sees the patrol coming with satisfaction. She lunges into action with blades gripped tightly. Knowing that several people are going after the leader she charges the rider behind him.
Lia looks at Velon as the patrol approach. She mouths a prayer to Sune to grant them strength. Drawing an arrow back, she let loose at one of the rear horsemen.
Out of Character: : I assume they would have discussed who to attack and so will attack different ones from each other excepting their leader of course. This should be a surprise round. If so all of Mari's attacks are with advantage and any hits are criticals due to her assassinate ability.
Lia will cast bless upon Velon, Poljen and herself. I assume she would have time as the patrol closed in on them before the ambush.