Since I was the last to post I just edited that in the main thread.
Edit: Daishain, my rolls seem to have disappeared. I’m positive that I included them. Should I roll again, or perhaps it’s just my phone? Edited: Cinder on 4th Nov, 2017 - 2:55pm
Technically yes, but at best you'd be faceplanting into the back wall of the keep near its base. It might be more prudent to walk out of the tower and out there, then throw up the grapple and climb.
In response to Christiand's query, you have not seen any little people around, not as of yet at least. Edited: daishain on 4th Nov, 2017 - 4:48pm
Just wanting to confirm here. An unarmed combat is 1D20 plus Strength modifier to hit which is +2 for my character Tazskan. Or is it the Dexterity modifier (None in this case).
Then because he has four talons(Three fingers and thumb) instead of normal fingernails, would yield 1D4 +2 Strength modifier? Like knives?
A piercing melee attack, much like a cats claw??
Is that the same if he bites, assuming that he has more reptilian-like teeth?
Your strength modifier is a +3, not a +2. Your proficiency as a level 7 character is a +3. Your tohit would be Strength + proficiency, for a total of +6.
Dragonborn do not have any modifiers for unarmed strikes, which means you're stuck with the default damage. No die roll, just 1+Strength for 4 damage per hit.
If you are wondering about your familiar, he's not with you at the present moment, but is not dead. Thanks to Voice of the Chain Master, you can contact him at any time.
Your unarmored AC is 10+Dexterity. So its just 10 at present.
P.S. As long as your post was made in the last 30 minutes, you can always edit instead of needing to post in a different thread for extra questions. Edited: daishain on 5th Nov, 2017 - 12:04am
Just curious, did Tazskan just hear some one speak in the same room where he is tied up?
Saying: "Some fool of a knight walked into town openly bearing the symbol of the traitor. I thought you were here for him."