Daishain, can you confirm that my AC is 12, for the Cultists padded leather. I forgot to roll for an hour resting, and recouping hit points also. Will do so here, is it one hour?
Oh, and one more thing, I just realized I can use Hellish rebuke, without the arcane focus, needs only voice and hand gestures. If the damage is 2D10 at first level, what would it be as a 4th level Warlock, 2D10 times 4?? Edited: anronrosby on 23rd Nov, 2017 - 11:12am
Lora offered to Lawrance and Poppo the chance to examine the brass ring and amulet that she retrieved from Rezmir. I hope they will be something pretty useful. Please don't forget to look at those items.
Anron, it would be 3D10. It gains 1 D 10 damage per spell level after 1st level. You can only cast 2nd level spells at your current warlock level so that makes it 3D10. Edited: Kyrroeth on 23rd Nov, 2017 - 12:44pm
Sorry, posted in the wrong thread before…
Can the wizards examine the items if they move behind the party but do not engage in combat, or must they stay put?
I think the Dungeon Master has made it fairly clear that a long rest has some extremely high risks, including them changing the castle’s route the minute they realize something is wrong.
Edit: Did Poppo take much damage in the last battle? Perhaps we could make the assumption that he'd be willing to spend the hour examining the items if he is at high HP while ChristianD is away? Edited: Cinder on 23rd Nov, 2017 - 1:25pm