The halls are pretty well lit. Nearest space she knows of would be several of the rooms on the second floor above you
Alternatively, she could try for one of the other doors on this floor. Chances are decent they'll be dark enough, but the only way to find out would be to try.
I would assume the guard fled away from us, in other words further down the hall. So if Cratol can't get back to our fight without dashing, I seriously doubt he can get to Lora and her other door without at least dashing, and maybe even needing more distance beyond that.
I believe the closest door she goes to is beyond the fight to so closer to him. But not 100% sure on that. But not wanting anyone to go in a room alone in case there is hostiles is good just like chasing down guards to make sure they do not spread any alarms.
So, just to recap a skinny old man popped his head out to see what was making all the noise. Then saw us lot, take on some guards in plate armor.
He then went back inside the room. Must have, done some sort of summons, without being disturbed. Meanwhile, all guards are dead except for one that has done a runner.
Now, we have is it two or three?elementals taking on the party.
While, the Monk, and Cleric are trying to get to the skinny old man, or the guard whichever comes first.
What door, is where the hawk and pseudodragon are perched at watching for danger? Edited: anronrosby on 30th Nov, 2017 - 6:17am
No, the 4th guard got blasted by fire as he limped away and went down. The monk checked to make sure he was down, and opted to search his body, they try to help the cleric/rogue go into another room… we have 2 air elementals still in front of the door. At least, that is MY current assessment.