Unless, otherwise specified Tazskan has relayed all that his psuedodragon has seen already. That is to both Lawrence, and Poppo who are in same room that he is in.
Which to recap is, Loraries, Cratol, and Poljen are meanwhile trying to either slash, stab and or bludgeon a couple of sleeping giants.
Also Velon and Zarra are with the other three, that are currently attacking the sleeping giants.
Does this sound correct?
I agree with KN, with regards to the sword, and other paraphernalia, that was used by Rezmir. It may be powerful, but may also dish out unwanted damage to the user? The bad side effects may have to be neutralized somehow? Edited: anronrosby on 5th Dec, 2017 - 1:14am
So I have rolled 3 2's and a 4 so far in combat. This is almost comical. I'm glad I'm getting them out of the way before a giant removes her head from her shoulders.
I understand what is being said about the sword. If my choice is to be beaten to death by two giants or use an evil sword that might keep us alive but might taint me I'll take the sword everytime. Lora would choose the sword for sure. Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Dec, 2017 - 1:31am
Well I think the fire giants umm… ”equipment” might be a prime target. Kill the male first, I think, then the female, but if is starts to go off the rails we’ll come running. My familiar is also there, so it can be Helping Action for Cratol.
Any way we look at this it is going to be a interesting battle. Cratol is doing all he can and will hope that he can take down one of these Giants as the others take to other. Knowing the dice are not helping I can only hope the DAM dice is as bad.
Excellent choice, Gk the male giants valuable equipment would be engorged with blood. Certainly, a lot smaller than the Giants neck.
Don't forget, you have both the hawk, that can pick out the eyballs and the psuedodragon, that can lash out with a poison barb, into the thorax. At your disposal.
Or give the word, to the familiars and the others will come running to your assistance.