Yeah I only like to post one round at a time for Velon to see how the situation changes as we go (And to Paul's point, Velon only attacks once unless addition resources are used to add to it in a round).
Ok you win on the haste. Posting 'he will twin haste our melee fighters' couldn't possibly prompt questions of if, when, and on whom the effect occurs.
Cinder, I think you might have missed the first time I clarified my initial post. The initial post was made during a quick break at work, so I agree it was lacking in detail. I grant that the targets were not specific, but this is my first combat and I haven't seen how everyone fights. I think, however, the if/when is clear if you read through my posts.
I am still getting a feel for how y'all describe your actions and I will do my best to be clearer in the future. Thanks.
That fireball roll set makes me so sad. Poppo must have been smoking something potent and set it off over their heads, instead of on it. 5 ones?!? The RNG here seems to be really lop sided, one way or the other. Edited: Gknightbc on 11th Dec, 2017 - 6:28am
Regarding my characters current attack status: make the first round of my attack, eldritch blast then the second round of attack make chill touch.
On a completely different topic regarding making up a home base or home town for my Dragonborn character.
I would like to with your permission, help create, or create whichever is applicable.
A coastal town or fort, on either the Alamber sea, or a coastal town or fort in the gulf of Luiren.
I would like Dragonborn of a lawful or chaotic good alignment to dwell in this place, and trade with other races, living a relatively peaceful existence.
The primary religion will be worship and adherence to the teachings of Bahamut. Within its walls.
I'm picturing, Dragonborns either affiliated with Gold, Silver or Brass dragons living under one roof.
Trading with and not conquering the world around them.
Can you advise me, on the climate? Vegetation? What agriculture, and or farm animals? Fishing? And mining is available in this area??
With its history, a brass colored dragon was killed by followers of Tiamat. It lived in a tall mountain not far away, and didn't bother, or intervene in the affairs of the Dragonborn. Its name was Olzaroth, and Tazskan befriended it. Tazskan, had a two handed sword made in its honor, after its untimely demise. Edited: anronrosby on 11th Dec, 2017 - 9:14am
Yeah I am getting some good rolls but a lot of bad rolls too. I just hope that we start getting better rolls. I think the Dungeon Master is making it hard for us to take this castle and the rolls are on his side. But it will be soo worth it if we do take it.