I've been trying to refrain from complaining about the dice more than I already have, and admit there's a chance of my own bias only having an emotional reaction when the rolls are bad and just thinking 'yes, at it should be' when we roll well. That being said, yeah, it's crazy. I've been thinking the D8's roll far too many 1's long before today, and then I look at the rolls for this round. Lora rolls six d8's and gets two 1's. Lawrance rolls six d8's and gets three 1's. I'd love some sort of graph of the roll distribution over time for everyone per dice type. It can't be pretty!
Yes, I've been seeing much the same results, to my mind as well. I don't see these dice as averaging out as they should be, and I'm almost tempted to chart the percentages just to see if my instincts are correct. They seem to skew quite heavily at time, with far too many low numbers showing up, and far too few average numbers. Tout ou rein.
Edit: 25 rolls of D8s totaled 81 points = 3.25 Expected average = 4.5. Yeah, there's a skew somewhere. Edited: Gknightbc on 18th Dec, 2017 - 9:27pm
Hopefully this battle with the skeleton giants doesn't take to long.
There is that question of the vampiress green mist whereabouts??
I wonder, how many feet per second she can move in this form?
It has been stated the vampire in mist form moves at 20 feet per round, so assuming it does nothing else, figure it Dashes and goes 40 feet per round, or 400 feet per minute. Since we stopped to talk with Esclarotta, do a couple of minor other things, I am sure it is already in there. On top of that, since Velon sensed two (2) separate undead in the sarcophagus, I am sure it is in there. But it still has many minutes until it gets its full regeneration. By then this fight should be over, and the body staked while we get it set to be in the sunlight.
I figured you could use the insight. Two of our best fighters are down now. Now we need some serious rest to get back up and be at full strength. But the good thing is we have almost taken over this whole castle and all that was in it. Finish the skeleton off Kill the vampire and we only have a dragon to deal with *smile*.