Then you will will definitely need all of us combat ready to take on a white dragon, I wonder if it is old or young?
For that we all need definitely healed up, perhaps Lora may have time to remove a Lyncanthropy curse or two?
How much level of exhaustion, can you guys take?
Since the, castle we are in is flying, is there a said porch or ledge in which to lay out the coffin contents.
Then of course allowing Vampiress to get a serious suntan in the process.
Maybe the second undead, presumably Vampire form is the females husband? |B).
Edited: anronrosby on 19th Dec, 2017 - 3:15am
Anron, the second undead is the skeletal giant. I am hoping the group takes down the skeleton, and we should have plenty of time to get that coffin upstairs, somewhere it can be exposed to sunlight (Once daybreak arrives).
Cratol and Poljen currently have 3 levels of exhaustion, and as far as I am concerned, Poljen is capable of fighting well with 2, provided he gets his Rages back. Which he will if we can end this fight quickly. Daishain said the Long Rest will not need to be restarted if it is interrupted for less than one hour. We are currently well within that timeline.
Anron, you have 12 HP out of a maximum of 12. Your HP max will go back to normal after a long rest. (Apparently people in this world regenerate lost blood really fast) Same goes for Cratol.
For future reference, you're generally responsible for tracking your health. Pay attention to when you get hit, and keep that total going on your character sheet.
One giant skeleton down. One Coffin and vampire to carry up to the sun. Then it is rest and recover so we can once again be in a better position to finish clearing out the Cultists and others to have full control of the sky castle. Then it is just take care of the Dragon at our leisure.
Yes, if everything goes well that is what will happen. Though part of me wonders if the dragon won't notice people disappearing, perhaps in no one coming down to report or one actually managing to do so, and then flying out to take care of the problem him/herself. If they take to the sky, the dragon would very much be at the advantage and we may then be limited in how we attack it.
Edited: Thomaslee on 19th Dec, 2017 - 4:07pm
Well, I am hoping that the dragon just assumes we are traveling all about. In fact, I would suggest we go back to slowly changing course, into an enormous circle while we rest. We have to leave someone on watch in case she does come after us. After we finish the (First?) long rest, we finish off cultists and other things. Optimally I would like to then get another long rest in if possible, though I doubt it.
And even if right now there are cultists telling the dragon we have taken the parts of the castle we have, I don't see her coming straight off for an attack. Most likely her hoard is in her cavern. She'd need to start packing and moving it. And she must know that if she attacks us she risks crashing the castle, again, threatening not only her hoard, but all the treasure designated for Tiamat. I think at worst she'd threaten us, or maybe even offer us a bargain of some form, before going for a fight.
So I think we will at least have this first long rest complete, since we are over halfway through it, and the interruption has been less than an hour (Per Daishain's ruling). Once we are back up to snuff, we finish clearing and then see how things stand. If the dragon puts in an appearance, we will deal with it then.